March 29: Psalm 56:1-7
Key Verse: Psalm 56:4
In God, whose word I praise – in God I trust and am not afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?
One of the biggest things we face in life is peer pressure and this is at its worst when seen through gossip and social media! Who could have dreamt how such a fun-filled idea could possible turn into ones worst nightmare? I think I have been very fortunate not to get embroiled in too much gossip and social media hates in my life, but I know some people who have been on the constant receiving end just because they are different!
God has made each one of us different and has designed a place in this world for us to be; how we go about getting to that safe place with Him is where the issues have to be faced because we are all different. What one person does may not suit another person and that should be fine. Christ teaches us to love our neighbours, the people around us; but still we face the onslaught!
One of the things I have always tried to teach my family and my friends is that God is the one who is in control and He is not bound by the gossip or social media or anything else for that matter. When we feel overwhelmed we should be reaching out to Him in person. Does that mean we have to be careful in what we say to God to make sure we don’t gossip etc? Quite the opposite!
God wants you to be able to be free to talk to Him about anything which is on your mind. If you feel the world needs to be slapped because of what it has done to you, then take it to God and tell Him. When you are honest and open with God, He can reach you in ways you have not thought about. But if you keep all of that pressure inside of you, it’s going to burst out at some stage!
Points to Ponder:
How often do you talk to God?
How often do you tell Him how you really feel?
March 28: John 8:21-30
Key Verse: John 8:24
I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am he, you will indeed die in your sins.
Sometimes when I read the bible the words linger because of my own situation or my own feelings. This is just one way in which God speaks to us and encourages us to do what is right in our lives. If we live a life which excludes Him, then we are living a life which will not allow us to have a good relationship with Him. There are so many ways in our Bibles in which Christ tried to tell the people how to change their lives without scolding them!
His loves for us runs so much deeper than we can imagine; a love which goes far beyond our understanding of life and love. Some people have asked me why I wear all my different ‘Jesus t-shirts’ and the truth is not just because I want to make a statement to others but also to remind myself daily that Christ is with me all the time.
All of us get carried away with things in our lives, and when we do we go off and do things which we may not normally do. When we get too involved with the world and it’s ways, we tend to get involved with more earthly things and sometimes give in to the temptations of the world around us. Having a daily reminder of how we can live a different life is good. Reading the Bible helps. Meeting with other Christians helps. Helping others helps. But, believing and trusting Christ is the biggest helper of all because that is what gives us the strength to carry on working against the world.
Jesus warning her is to the people and their earthly lives. If they do not believe and trust in Him they will get caught up in the world… Guess what. That applies to us nowadays too. This is not just a historical record of what has happened by a never ending reminder to us all how we should be living with Christ every day!
Points to Ponder:
Do you live apart from Christ?
Will you live a bit closer to Him today?
March 27: Joshua 2:1-14
Key Verse: Joshua 2:9
and said to them, ‘I know that the Lord has given this land to you and that a great fear of you has fallen on us, so that all who live in this country are melting in fear because of you.
Sometimes I wonder if The Lord will ever speak out loud to me; then I think back on all the times He has spoken softly to me through prayer, the bible and through others and I realise it is not the big events which count but the small, silent places in which God speaks to us which are the real treasures!
This story is about a moment in time when a country was living in fear because they had heard the people of God were going to come and take ownership of the land! They had heard the stories of how God had sustained His people and how He had done miracles for His people so they could have their way – His way. How could they ever hope to stand up against a God who is all powerful!
God chose a woman in the community to deliver the message back to Joshua about how fearful the people were – it was no ordinary circumstance through which the spies heard the news. But it was God using a prostitute to protect the spies and deliver the message. No matter who you are, what you have done or what you are involved with, God can use you to deliver the message He wants to the people He wants to hear the message… if you are willing to listen and obey!
Why did God choose this woman? I venture to guess it was because she would be able to tell a lie to the guards without flinching – maybe she had had to deliver a lie in the past to protect someone local and God knew she would be able to do it again… God is willing to use anyone who believes on Him and is willing to do what it takes to protect His people...
Points to Ponder:
Have you wondered when God will call you?
Will you answer and obey?
March 26: John 11:1-16
Key Verse: John 11:15
and for your sake I am glad I was not there, so that you may believe. But let us go to him.
This is one of those stories we need to remind us God can and does do anything. Jesus knew Lazarus was dead, but He also knew he would be brought back to life, not so much for his own sake but for the sake of the disciples so they would believe without question!
We tend to question so many things in our lives we get lost in all the thoughts and the wonderings; if we were able to put those feelings of hopelessness and being lost aside and fully rely on God, we too would be able to see the value in trusting Christ in everything. It is not our task to question if God can do something but to rely on Him when we know we cannot do anything, believing He is willing and able to do what we request.
Can you imagine what the scene was like with all the people mourning the death of the man Lazarus, asking why Jesus had not come to ‘fix’ him earlier and wondering what was going to happen now. Did some begin to have doubts? Did some of the disciples have doubts in the backs of their minds? Was Jesus doing thins just to make a point?
It is not our task to question God and take control in everything in life/ It is our job to simply trust Christ and to obey Him in everything! When we do that we are going to see the changes He can do in our lives and see just how much He loves us. It is when we see what He does for us we begin to have our eyes opened to greater things – that is where our faith and trust begins from...
Points to Ponder:
Do you seek physical proof before you trust and believe?
Will you trust and obey before casting doubt?