Tuesday 5 Jul 2022

July 5: Matthew 9:32-34

Key Verse: Matthew 9:34
But the Pharisees said, ‘It is by the prince of demons that he drives out demons.’

One of the hardest things to accept in life is something you don’t believe in because your mind has already been made up and you don’t want to have to admit to being wrong in any way – so you carry on with the lie you have learned! Christ wants us to stop and look at the lies we have been told and compare them to what is good and righteous – that way we can move away from those lies as we see them for what they are… but it is hard!

The Pharisees saw what Jesus did to the demon-possessed man, freeing him from his life of misery and silence; yet they did not want to believe this could be done because that would mean they were wrong about the man Jesus. They would have to admit they were wrong and turn from their lies toward the truth. Instead, they invented another lie and started saying Jesus was the prince of demons and was controlling the demons!

How many times have you fallen into that sort of pit in your life when you have been telling a lie so much you believe it yourself and when someone confronts you about the lie, you make up a few more lies to cover the facts and carry on living the lie? I know I have been in that circumstance before and have told lies to try and get out of trouble – especially as a child!

But the truth has a habit of finding its way to the surface and everyone gets to hear the real story instead of the lie you have been spreading for so long… Wouldn’t it have been easier to admit to the truth in the beginning and move forward with the truth so you would not be caught out in lies again? Of course! But we don’t think like that when we are caught up in the lies. We need to let go and follow the truth – follow Christ!

Points to Ponder:
Do you spread gossip?

You know it is a lie, don’t you?

Monday 4 Jul 2022

July 4: Matthew 9:18-26

Key Verse: Matthew 9:21
She said to herself, ‘If I only touch his cloak, I will be healed.’

After being ill for quite some time, I think I am getting there and beginning to be able to start up the ‘normal’ parts of my life, like writing these devotionals! I has taken some time but all throughout this time I have always been reminded of How God is with me and how He is in control. I probably have to go through a bit or surgery soon to try and alleviate the issues I am having with my digestive system, but seeing how I look at my life and how others look at theirs whilst in hospital, I am truly glad to have Christ in my life!

Can you imagine what the synagogue leader was thinking at the time. His daughter had been ill and had just died – but he did not give up there, he continued to come to Jesus and ask for healing, miraculous healing! I like to think I am strong enough to ask God for everything and rely on Him all the time, but when push comes to shove and you are facing a hard time or immense pain, your mind pleads for what the doctors can do for you instead of asking God for guidance.

The faith of the synagogue leader and the woman who had been bleeding for twelve years stands way and above what many of us aspire to. They were firm in their belief Christ would be able to do something there and then. They were not going to rely on mankind, doctors, physicians or whatever any more… You may say they were desperate and nothing else had worked… but they still stopped and asked Jesus for help!

When we reach the point in our lives where nothing else has worked and we turn to Christ, isn’t it a bit late? Should we not be turning to Him first of all and asking Him to do what He does best. It doesn’t mean He has to be physically here to touch us – it means we should be trusting Him first of all. He may well put the right doctors, surgeons and nurses by your bedside to get you back on your feet; He may be asking you to open their eyes to what faith is all about...

Points to Ponder:
How far do you think your faith goes?

Will you trust Christ a little more today?

Wednesday 29 Jun 2022

June 29: Acts 12:1-11

Key Verse: Acts 12:9
Peter followed him out of the prison, but he had no idea that what the angel was doing was really happening; he thought he was seeing a vision.

I wonder, have you ever had something happen to you which you thought was a dream only to realise afterward it was not? I know the Lord has worked in many different ways around me and with me; through these things which I have seen, I know the Lord is always with me and looking after me. Though we can find it very difficult to explain these happenings, we should do so to encourage each other and others who are seeking something.

King Herod was being his usual tyrannical self and had James killed with a sword. After seeing how the crowds reacted, he thought it good to seize another disciples and put them to death as well. With this he had Peter taken and thrown in prison under very heavy guard. He even had guards sleeping either side of him in case Peter had any ideas of escape.

What God did next went against everything that could be expected. God sent and angel to take Peter out of the prison starting with releasing the chains between him and the guards. After getting dressed and putting on his sandals, Peter was instructed to walk out of the prison! With his cloak wrapped around him, the guards would not have thought much because he did not have chains on; leaving him to walk straight past them all and out into the city!

It was only afterward Peter realised this must have been God’s angel because none of the guards had been aware it was him escaping (until the next day that is!) God does things without explaining them to us, because if we stopped to think about everything, we would have more than enough doubt to stop a train, never mind something small He could be doing for us!

Points to Ponder:
Do you realise how much God does?

Will you look back and see how much He has already done for you?

Tuesday 28 Jun 2022

June 28: Psalm 5:8-12

Key Verse: Psalm 5:8
Lead me, Lord, in your righteousness because of my enemies – make your way straight before me.

This again is one of the hard things about having any sort of belief – what happens to those people who do not believe in what you believe? And if you believe in something, are those people who do not believe your enemies? Philosophical questions which I tend to avoid!

I believe in God, I believe in Jesus Christ and I believe in the Holy Spirit. So when I read through verses like these I have pity on those people who do not have beliefs like mine; probably one of the reasons I like wearing various forms of “Jesus T-Shirts!” I like to show I have hope in my life, not that I am against anyone else, not that I am an enemy to anyone else, just that I have hope because of what Jesus has done for me!

But, back in the days when these words were recorded, God had told the Israelites not to befriend anyone because of the chance they would be distracted from God and do strange things or follow other gods! Thus, they were looked at as the enemy! Something I still struggle with even though I know it was accepted back then!

Even though they were “the enemy” there was still hope for those who would choose to turn from their ways and turn towards God’s ways like the Israelites did. These verses even ask for protection for anyone who is willing to follow God and take refuge in Him. So don’t turn your back on anyone just because they are different or believe in something different – let them see how much you get out of believing in and following God; it will encourage them to seek the truth too!

Points to Ponder:
How do you treat others?

What if they believe in something different?