Wednesday 10 Jan 2024

January 10: Psalm 40:1-4

Key Verse: Psalm 40:2
He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.

When we really and truly wait on the Lord, He pulls us out of places where there seems no hope and sets our feet on firm foundations from which we can grow and blossom. Why does it take us many times where the Lord helps us out of the mire before we realise He is with us and protecting us always!

When things go well, we don’t take a second look but bask in the good times and blessing which surround us. When things go bad we suddenly take time out to think about what is happening and call out to God to help us in any way He can! Yet, when He does help us out, we overlook the fact it is Him helping and take credit ourselves!

God wants to be able to help us in any way He can, but He would also like us to acknowledge it is Him who is giving us what we need. He will continue to help us no matter what, so we should be willing to praise Him no matter what! Sometimes things will not go our way and we may feel hard done by; but God is choosing the path forward which is going to be best for all of us!

We need to always trust His ways and trust is what He asks us to do. He does not look up at the people who look down on others; instead He will lift up those looked down upon and lift them up in ways we cannot comprehend. Trust in God like you life depends on it and not only when you think everything else has gone wrong!

Points to Ponder:
How often do you trust in God?

How often do you praise Him for everything He does in your life?

Tuesday 9 Jan 2024

January 9: Mark 1:21-28

Key Verse: Mark 1:22
The people were amazed at his teaching, because he taught them as one who had authority, not as the teachers of the law.

I used to get scared I would not know what to do and say when I met people who wanted to know about God, but the more I get to know other Christians the more I get to see how people can give out good news no matter how much they know about the scriptures. When Jesus went into the synagogue on the Sabbath in Capernaum, the people say how much more Jesus knew than the teachers…

This sort of story made me feel like I would never get to know enough from the scriptures to be able to tell others about Jesus. I think my turning point was when a young man and his friends asked me why the bible would always talk about God as being male. It was a question I had never fully considered myself. I admitted by lack of knowledge to them and together we went to someone who had more knowledge of the scriptures.

That is how I got to learn more and the young men also got to learn more. Together we grow; as long as we are willing to admit others can know more than us – then we can all learn together and move forward.

These people in the synagogue suddenly saw how someone could know more than the teachers of the law and they wanted to know more! Don’t be discouraged because you think you don’t know enough. Share what you have and admit when you don’t know enough. Grow together with the people who come to you seeking God.

Points to Ponder:
How much do you know about the scriptures?

Do you know someone who knows less whom you can share something with?

Monday 8 Jan 2024

January 8: Mark 1:14-20

Key Verse: Mark 1:20
Without delay he called them, and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired men and followed him.

I think this section of scripture has so much going on in it. First how Jesus went off to Galilee after John had been put in prison. Jesus knew now was not the time to be captured and so went off to galilee, knowing John was in trouble. He did not forget John but proclaimed the good news John was telling people: The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!”

If you knew there was no escape for someone because of the corruption in the leaders, what better way than to remind people of all the things they stood for so they would never be forgotten! And now was the time to get more backing so even more people would hear the good news and try to get more people to repent!

So Jesus approaches the people He knows from within their hearts who would make the best disciples. The first four were fisherman each of whom had a heart for God because as soon as they were called by Jesus, knew this was what God was calling them to do!

When you know God is calling you, you will not waste time by going to find out what it all entails, you will not waste time asking around to see if this is what should be done – you will simply believe and trust in Christ to go and do whatever He is calling you to do. I know my family has asked what I was doing a few times...

Points to Ponder:
Are you ready to answer God’s calling?

Will you drop what you are doing and say Yes?

Sunday 7 Jan 2024

January 7: Acts 19:1-7

Key Verse: Acts 19:4
Paul said, ‘John’s baptism was a baptism of repentance. He told the people to believe in the one coming after him, that is, in Jesus.’

You may read these verses and think Paul is picking on John for only teaching people about repentance, but without repentance you will not get to know the Holy Spirit! When we try to teach people about God and Jesus we should not get caught up in trying to answer all their questions on the first day. Instead we should be willing to teaching then about repentance and forgiveness.

Once we have laid the ground work – just as John was doing – then we can start to get people to think more about Jesus and what He has done, pointing them in the way of what Jesus taught the disciples. None of that would make much sense to someone if they did not first get to know why this is all necessary to start with!

When Paul met these disciples they had learned the basics from John and were probably teaching others what they had learned. This is our first step as people who believe in God. Share what you know with others so they can get on the first rung of the ladder. As you grow you can share what you know with them and they can grow too.

Once you know Jesus and the Holy Spirit too, then you can share that with people who have at least been in touch with the first step of repentance. Don’t try to get people to run before they have walked! Allow Christ and the Holy Spirit to lead you forward and share what you find out...

Points to Ponder:
How did you first hear about God?

What did you repent in your heart on that first day?