July 10: Hosea 10:1-2
Key Verse: Hosea 10:2
Their heart is deceitful, and now they must bear their guilt. The Lord will demolish their altars and destroy their sacred stones.
No matter how much Christ gives you and how much you can do things in His name, never forget where you came from! We are sinners who are in need of a Saviour, sinners who should, by all rights, pay for our sins – after all, we are guilty!
But Christ came to save us from those sins, to pay the debt which we owe and to free us from the death we deserve because of those wrong-doings. He came and laid His own life down instead of us having to do so. He did this because of His love for us and because the Father loves us too.
When things go our way we start to look at the rewards we are gaining and we lose track of the things God has done to allow us to get this far. When we lose sight of God and His ways, we fall back into doing those things wrong once again because we focus on those worldly things instead of the heavenly things of God!
Our hearts are tainted because we look to the world and its ways and grow closer to them instead of getting closer to God. Once we set our focus on Him instead, we grow stronger and closer to Him where He can then guide us and protect us better!
Points to Ponder:
How much do you focus on worldly prizes?
How much do you focus on Godly prizes?