December 30, 2022

1 John 2:12 I am writing to you, dear children, because your sins have been forgiven on account of his name.

If we compare our lives with the Bible we see we have “burned our bridges” long ago!

But, because of Gods Great love for us, we are forgiven because of what Christ has done.

Take hold of Jesus’ life with both hands and never let go!

December 29, 2022

1 John 2:9 Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates a brother or sister is still in the darkness.

How often do you get distracted by gossip? How often do you believe the gossip instead of finding out the truth?

God has given us the truth in the bible and wants us to follow that truth, it is our choice to do so… or not…

When we don’t follow that light, we go deeper into the darkness...

December 28, 2022

Psalm 124:7 We have escaped like a bird from the fowler’s snare; the snare has been broken, and we have escaped.

When you feel trapped in your life, who do you turn to? Do you not turn to someone whom you think loves you?

God loves us so much more than anyone else in our lives.

When we feel trapped, He will not only free us from those feelings, but free us from the temptation which trapped us to start with!

Tuesday 27 Dec 2022

December 27: Exodus 33:7-11

Key Verse: Exodus 33:9
As Moses went into the tent, the pillar of cloud would come down and stay at the entrance, while the Lord spoke with Moses.

When the people of Israel were making their way through the desert being guided by God, they had their ups and downs. Sometimes they would get distracted by the things of the world and God would have to remind them of what they were doing. Sometimes they would stick close to God and God would be very happy with them… I guess not a lot has changed with mankind because we still get distracted when the world shines and we still glory in God when we see the world for what it is...

What struck me when reading this passage today was the fact God met with Moses as two friends meet. What do you think it is like when two friends meet? Each of us will probably take something very different away from those words. Some of us will think of it as two friends waving from afar off and embracing each other when they finally get close enough being followed by a time of talking back and forth until all the latest news has been said.

Some of us may think of two very polite people meeting at a corner café for a cup of coffee and talking about a few specific things before going their separate ways… The way we meet with friends probably differs from these two extremes but has elements which make sense to you and not to me.

This is what makes God so very special. He knows each one of us from the inside out and He knows just how to stop and talk to us. He knows what makes us happy and what will get our attention. What He will not do is force anything upon us because He wants us to be willing to choose our direction in life!

Points to Ponder:
How do you look at two friends meeting?

Will you try to meet God as your personal friend today?