June 4: John 20:30-31
Key Verse: John 20:31
But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.
What is the right level of getting out there and letting others know about Christ? How far do you go before you lose people in the abundance of words… Let’s face it, there is so much to tell people about Jesus and so much we still have to learn. There just does not seem to be enough time to sit down and talk about it! If we were to sit down and tell people everything we know about Jesus, it may well take us the rest of our lifetime to say the words out loud...
So how much is too little and how much is too much? The disciples wrote down things which they thought were important for us to hear about. They did not have time to write everything down so they had to get others to write it down while they talked or told others who then wrote it down… But they did this because they knew it as the truth and they knew it would count for something. They also spoke out loud to many people around the area, trying to get more people involved so more could learn the truth.
Let’s look at it another way… the disciples still had to face the Jewish authorities who insisted Jesus was not the Messiah and would do anything to stop people from spreading this gospel message. They could not simply walk down the street and preach to everyone at any time, just as we are not allowed to do that either because there are rules about not interfering with other people’s lives… even though we know it as the truth!
It is a fine balance each of us has to find in order to keep people informed without prejudicing our case and without upsetting people who just don’t want to know. To them we have to show them what we are and what we stand for; words will not suffice and words may even land us in trouble. We are the disciples of this world now. We need to allow other people to know the truth, but we have to do it without using worldly ways otherwise we will just be seen as being worldly!
Points to Ponder:
What do you do to allow other to see you are Christian?
Will you allow the Holy Spirit to guide you next?
Thursday 4 Jun 2020
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