June 3: John 20:19-23
Key Verse: John 20:21
Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.”
I love the simplicity in which the author relates this story of Jesus visiting them after His death and resurrection. First he makes sure you understand there is no way Jesus could have broken into the place – they were on lock-down and secured in a way which prevented the Jewish leaders from even coming into the building. Yet, Jesus was able to just be there, without setting off any alarms or anyone witnessing Him coming in.
And what was Jesus reaction to seeing them? To give them the peace only He can give. To calm the storm and allow them to walk on water again. He stood there and wished the Holy Spirit into each one of their lives in such a way they would be able to go out and help people in the same way Jesus was, even to the forgiving of sins! But it is not the disciples who were given the authority to forgive sins, just the act of them saying people’s sins would be forgiven which would make it so!
Christ made this possible for all of us through us accepting the Holy Spirit into our lives. We do not have the authority to forgive sins, but we do have the authority to tell people their sins will be forgiven by God because of what Jesus has already done! Jesus shared His love again and again, even after His death and resurrection, Jesus was able to share His love and mercy.
Now He has given us all the authority to take these words He has given us and spread them around the whole world just as a virus spreads – but this is the virus of truth, the gospel truth. With the Holy Spirit within us, we are able to give out this truth in the knowledge it is not just the truth, but the way in which we can join Jesus in Heaven when that day comes! Jesus asks us to move forward with Him and forgive people, telling them they are forgiven and moving on with the Holy Spirit.
Points to Ponder:
Do you wonder how you can forgive some people?
Have you asked the Holy Spirit your direction through which you can do this today?
Wednesday 3 Jun 2020
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