June 2: Psalm 104:24-30
Key Verse: Psalm 104:26
There the ships go to and fro, and Leviathan, which you formed to frolic there.
Stop and have a look at the world around you. Go and find out what the world looks like now with more fresh air and clearer skies before we go back to spoiling it all again! God has created this all and He continues to love and support this world we live in – but we continue to spoil it through out antics and through our greed! What use is a whale other than for our pleasure to watch and marvel at?
God provides feed and shelter for the wild animals – mankind comes along and destroys much of it without thought. But as we go through this time of lock-down we can see a big difference in our world, a big difference which allows us to re-see the beauty God created in the beginning. When I look at some movies depicting end of the world scenarios where cities have gone back to nature, I see a lot of artistic licence because we have done such a bad job at spoiling things I fear it will never be that easy for nature to come back again.
But, as we look around and see some of the beauty, we can stop and think about how much God loves us – the fact He set this all up in the beginning and He set it all in balance so it would survive and thrive. I should not take too much for us to change the world for a better place to live in – but mankind is a bit lazy and a bit too greedy to allow that to happen just yet.
I do hope and pray you have all stopped and looked at the world around you today and seen what God has given to us. I do pray it will make you think about the way you live personally – because if we all change just a little bit, the overall change is going to be very dramatic, just as we have been able to witness during lock-down. Stop and give God a go!
Points to Ponder:
Do you live according to God’s wishes?
Do you really live according to God’s wishes?
Tuesday 2 Jun 2020
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