Friday 9 Oct 2020

October 9: Luke 11:5-10
Key Verse: Luke 11:9
So I say to you: ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
O the audacity! I wonder how many times you have used these words or something similar when someone has been a bit too forthright in your view... But when you look back on the situation you begin to realise if they had not asked, then they may well have been in desperate trouble by now!
Sometimes we must step up and ask the bold questions we continue to try and ignore in our lives. Sometimes we must be the one to stand up and ask the question so others can gain the benefit. God wants us to be bold in our walk with Him so He can work His wonders in our world.
God wants people to see His work in the world and not for people to just accept things happen. How can God get the glory when we are not stepping forward and demanding things change or demanding support for the poor and needy? If God works silently behind the scenes, we can give Him the glory because we know He is working, but others will not see it that way.
God wants us to be bold in our prayers and allow others to see when we ask and how much we ask. Daniel had no problem letting people know he prayed three times a day and even opened his windows so people would know he was praying. Because of his boldness people began to see how God was answering his prayers...
Points to Ponder:
Do you hide away to pray to God?
What are you willing to stand up for today?