Saturday 2 Jan 2021

January 2: Psalm 124:1-8
Key Verse: Psalm 124:2
if the Lord had not been on our side when people attacked us,
Something struck me when I read this Psalm... How many disaster movies have you watched where it ends up with the earth being all but destroyed, including pandemic movies where most of the world is wiped out... We have just lived through one of these scenarios, but most of the world is still surviving and we are seeing the end of the ‘movie’ where the vaccines have been discovered and are now starting to be rolled out...
Can you imagine what could have happened if God had not been with us? Can you imagine just how far this could have gone? But God is with us, God continues to watch over us and is in this with us! Yes, we have lost loved ones, including our family, but God continues to be with us and protects us from so much more than we realise!
I really am thankful we have a God who is not just faithful, but merciful and loving; a God who wants us to survive and to prosper so we can pass on the good news to others. God wants us talking to each other and telling each other of the good things He has done in our lives! Let’s talk!
God has protected us from the worst. People are the problem here because they don’t see the immediate danger and they let their guard down and that brings the danger in, not just to themselves, but to us as well. Yes, God is watching over us and protecting us, but people continue to do their own thing and break the rules – even those God has asked us to keep to.
Points to Ponder:
Look back over last year and think what has happened...
Aren’t you glad God is on your side!