Sunday 3 Jan 2021

January 3: Psalm 84:1-4
Key Verse: Psalm 84:4
Blessed are those who dwell in your house; they are ever praising you.
One thing we can certainly look forward to is a place in heaven which is beyond our dreams; a place where we will feel even more loved than a sparrow in her new nest, somewhere where we will be close to God and be able to praise Him forever more. As I sit and listen to someone doing something special for the doctors and nursing staff who have paid the ultimate price of their lives whilst looking after others, I begin to realise just how wonderful the doctors and nurses are as they give it all for us when we are ill.
I cannot begin to thank the NHS staff enough for keeping me alive despite my body breaking down; they came back day after day and continued to care for me even when I could not and when I didn’t know what was happening.
Jesus set the precedence by stepping up and putting His own life on the line for us so we could eventually have an eternity with God in a very special place! He did what the doctors and nurses are doing during this pandemic – stepped forward and other people’s lives before His own.
This is the example Jesus set for us to follow and I saw so many nurses doing exactly that for me and other patients when I was in hospital. This is the example we need to keep in mind as we show others a new way of living, a way of living with Jesus and aiming for the goal of eternal life with God in heaven. Step forward and put your own life on hold for a few minutes and give that time to someone else so they too can live for eternity in Heaven!
Points to Ponder:
Have you ever been treated for a life-threatening disease?  
Death without Christ is life-threatening!