Monday 4 Jan 2021

January 4: Matthew 2:13-15
Key Verse: Matthew 2:14
So he got up, took the child and his mother during the night and left for Egypt
Right from the beginning, God has tried to show us every day how He wants to be able to look out for us and to protect us. Joseph and Mary listened to what God was telling them and obeyed! Two very important things, to listen and to obey.
Once we get that into our heads and start to follow these simple rules, we will begin to see just how much God does care for us. If we don’t listen and obey, God must work even harder to try and help and protect us! The best way forward is to remain close to God and listen to the instructions as they come in and to obey as soon as we can.
Joseph and Mary left in the middle of the night to make sure they could get a good start and escape what was coming. When we used to go on holiday back when I was young, we would often leave very early in the morning so we could get to our destination on time and enjoy the vacation as planned. If we spend all of our time fighting against the crowds and trying to escape, we will not enjoy things as much as we could.
If we look back on all the stories we have in the bible, we will see how being on time, listen and obeying has proved to be the best way forward. God has taught us this through example and expects us to make the right decision and follow those examples. If we do, we get the best deal possible. If we don’t, we have to put up with what happens!
Points to Ponder:
Do you like to be ahead of the crowd?
Will you try to listen and obey a bit quicker today?