Monday 15 Mar 2021

March 15: Psalm 30:1-5
Key Verse: Psalm 30:5
For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favour lasts a lifetime; weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.
I love verse 5... How many times do you get angry at someone for doing something wrong and how long do you stay angry with them? Are you still angry inside when they come to you to ask for forgiveness? It is hard for us to sweep aside our anger and to forgive someone totally, but this is what Christ is asking of us for His people!
We are His people and He is asking us to forgive and forget. Think about a time when you have done something wrong and have had to ask someone to forgive you. What did it feel like when they were able to forgive you and you felt that weight being lifted off your shoulders?
We may think we have done something so bad it will take God a long time to forgive us – maybe we have done something wrong against Him and we knew we were doing it wrong at the time... But, because Jesus was willing to give His life as a perfect sacrifice for us, when we ask Christ to forgive us, God sees us as perfect once again – because Jesus is perfect!
So, now is the time to lift up your voices and praise God for all He is doing in your life. Not just the big things we ask for, but the little things like the comfort He brings when we feel down. Lift up your burdens to Christ and allow Him to carry them away from your shoulders giving you the peace and rest He has promised to give you.
Points to Ponder:
Have you asked Christ to forgive you?
Will you extend your mercy to others?