Tuesday 16 Mar 2021

March 16: John 5:16-18
Key Verse: John 5:17
In his defence Jesus said to them, ‘My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working.’
Do you work for a church? Have you noticed Sunday is actually a very busy day for you! So what about God’s instruction to not do any work on the Sabbath? Well, we could go into all manner of arguments about what day the Sabbath is or what is recognised by your particular church, but the fact remains, God says we should take a day off every week – and this goes back to the beginning of time when God created everything!
Jesus stepping into this argument to try and stop people from making this law such a big deal because they were forgetting about “the main thing!” We worship God. If we start making all manner of rules take us away from worshipping God, then we are forgetting about the main thing! Not doing something because it goes against a law which is being upheld by mankind may well be taking us away from the main thing!
Jesus reminds us God is always working. God does not take the day off because He is getting tired or is over-worked. He took the day off in the beginning as an example to us. As humans we do need to take time out and rest; that’s why we sleep every night! We are not gods!
I am currently working for a couple of churches every Sunday, one I get to go in and do the audio-visual side of the service, and the other I do completely remotely as I set up the videos on YouTube while they are in lock-down. I also have a ‘normal’ job which I work during the week... but I do make sure I take time for myself and time for God too. My weeks are variable to try and fit in to other’s requirements; but I always make time for God.
Points to Ponder:
How much time do you set aside for work every week?
How much time do you set aside for God every week?