Wednesday 17 Mar 2021

March 17: John 5:19-23
Key Verse: John 5:20
For the Father loves the Son and shows him all he does. Yes, and he will show him even greater works than these, so that you will be amazed.
This is one of those sections of verse which speak deeply to me as a father. I can look back at my life as a child and relate to this in my relationship with my Father, but I can also look back as a father and view my relationship with my son... and I can even look at my relationship with my grandchildren too now! How time passes!
When we do love and respect our parents, we tend to listen to them and try to obey them – yes, I know we get it wrong and we go off and do bad things, but in large we try to obey our parents in a loving relationship. The same has to be said with our relationship with Christ – when we do love Him, we try to obey Him. We still get things wrong and make mistakes, but as long as we are trying to do what He wishes, our relationship will continue to grow deeper.
Now the relationship between Jesus and God is something more difficult to get our heads round – but we have the ultimate example through Him because He obeyed His Father at all times and because of His closeness to Him, was able to do so much more during His life on earth. Because of this closeness, when He asked something of God, the requests were granted; something we can relate to in our relationships with our parents – if we are in a good relationship with them, they are more likely to say yes when we ask...
As a parent I can say I am very defensive when anyone does anything to my children or my grandchildren. There are times when we do have to stand by and just watch because it is the right thing to do. This is how love looks...
Points to Ponder:
Do you try to do what God asks?
Do you try to help God’s other children?