Monday 12 Apr 2021

April 12: Acts 6:1-7
Key Verse: Acts 6:3
Brothers and sisters, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to them
I think one of the most important things in ministry is to not try and do everything yourself. The temptation is always there to go and do things yourself because it is easier to just do something rather than teach someone else – and you know you can do it better... Well, how is anyone else going to grow in Christ if you are taking things away from them all the time?
The disciples faced this as their numbers grew, and more people wanted to focus on spreading the gospel... It appears the work which was being carried out previously dwindled as people wanted to do different things... This is always a problem as the church grows, because everyone is tempted to seek the top positions, the positions where they seem to get the greatest glory for themselves... Yes, that is a big problem in modern churches, but seems like it has always been a problem!
God has given each of us different skills and attributes which He knows we are going to excel with. If we are willing to use those skills instead of focusing on skills which get all the glory, the whole church will be better off! We are working as a team of people trying to spread the gospel. But, just because we are trying to spread the gospel, does not mean we can ignore the people who need help and support. It does not mean we can ignore the hard work which goes on behind the scenes and gets no glory...
God wants us to be willing to trust Him and live according to His will. This is going to be the best outlook for the church as a whole – if we are willing to trust and obey our God!
Points to Ponder:
What do you do in church?
Are you neglecting the less glamorous jobs?