Tuesday 13 Apr 2021

April 13: Acts 7:39-41
Key Verse: Acts 7:40
They told Aaron, “Make us gods who will go before us. As for this fellow Moses who led us out of Egypt – we don’t know what has happened to him!”
When Stephen was pulled up in front of the Sanhedrin, it was because some thought he was taking away from the words they had learned all their lives. They had the written words of Moses which had been passed down over centuries, and they were not going to let them get changed by any man.
What Stephen reminded them of was their own history and how mankind had continued to want to live according to their own rules rather than by being guided by God. He reminded them of the time Moses was at the top of the mountain with God and how the people lost faith and patience in waiting. They wanted a god they could see which could lead them to their new home – so they assumed the only way would be to build their own!
It may sound silly when we look at it afterward, but this is the type of thing we continue to get involved with every day in our modern lives. We like to get technology and use it to produce something special (or at least that is what we look at it as being) which can be used to promote God and spread the word. Yes, it is helpful to have aids which help us to see and remember God, but nothing should ever replace God!
This is the mistake they made – they wanted something to replace the unseen God! That is taking God completely out of the equation and saying we have no faith in Him. So, instead of trying to make something to follow, let's use technology to highlight where God is and to allow people to follow God and not technology itself.
Points to Ponder:
Do you like old fashioned churched or new churches?
Where is God in your church?