Wednesday 14 Apr 2021

April 14: Romans 1:14-17
Key Verse: Romans 1:16
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.
Ok, so now we know God wants us to go out and tell people the truth about Jesus and to help others to get to know Him better, what are we going to do about it? How many of you slipped lower into your seats as you read that line? Many of us are certainly not ready to tell the world about Jesus because we are not all disposed to being some sort of evangelist!
Paul had no issues with going out to tell others about Jesus because He knew that is what Jesus had told him to do – to go out and tell others about Jesus, not just the Jews. Each one of us are given someone to tell about Jesus – whether it is standing up in front of some people and talking about what you know about Jesus, or whether it is simply sitting and talking to a single friend... we have our tasks to do.
Paul knew he had to go out to all the people where he was before going on a round trip of the Mediterranean! He knew God was calling him to spread the Good News to many more people who had not been focused on by the disciples. The disciples themselves had been given the difficult task of talking to the Jews to try and bring them round to knowing the full truth about Jesus.
Paul had a fairly clean sheet of going out to other people to tell them of all the things which had been happening over the past few years in and around Jerusalem. There were many witnesses to what Jesus did and a whole lot of opposition from the Jews... But, the Gentiles, on the other hand did not have these pre-conceived ideas and they could listen to this fresh Good News and be encouraged by it. It’s always easier to learn from the mistakes of others rather than your own mistakes!
Points to Ponder:
Are you ready to talk to someone about Jesus?
How about just telling someone why you love Jesus?