Monday 10 May 2021

May 10: Philippians 2:12-13
Key Verse: Philippians 2:13
for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfil his good purpose.
Sometimes when you are going through the bible a verse will stand out and shout at you! I have been watching all manner of things on YouTube and stumbled upon a family who have been creating music videos whilst they have been in lockdown and just listening to them prompted me to find something which was suitable from the bible!
This family put so much love and joy into their time together as they sing and play music together and it got me thinking... What if your life was all recorder on something like YouTube? How would you feel if anyone around the world was allowed to watch whatever was going on in your life at any time!
When I read these verses, they shouted out loud! Far too often in our lives we put on a stage show for others to see so they will think good of us! But behind the scenes we may well be doing all sorts of strange things. What we need to remember is that when God said He would be with us at all times, it was a promise! He has a permanent YouTube channel directly to our inner lives!
Just as the Apostle writes to his friends in the church saying they have always been amazing while he was with them, he reminds them they should be continuing to behave like that at all times because God is with them! God wants to be in our lives celebrating love and joy at all times – so inviting Him into our lives is an open invitation to bring His love and Joy into our lives permanently!
Points to Ponder:
How do you behave in church?
How do you behave at home?