Tuesday 11 May 2021

May 11: Philippians 2:25-30
Key Verse: Philippians 2:27
Indeed he was ill, and almost died. But God had mercy on him, and not on him only but also on me, to spare me sorrow upon sorrow.
I think I can relate to this story about Epaphroditus! When my partner and I went to London, it was to get involved with mission work Locally on disadvantaged estates. We were very sure this is what God wanted us to do through hearing from God and through prophecy too. When we arrived in London, we were not able to live on the estate we were serving and continued to pray God would open up a place for us on the estate. Pretty soon a house became available, and we moved onto the estate.
But, after a few years work, I fell gravely ill with necrotising pancreatitis followed by many complications! Being away from family was one of the hardest things I had to endure, and no sooner had I started to get better and my Dad’s health degraded to the state where the doctors could do no more for him. Then Covid arrived and we were not allowed to see him. Being away from friends and family at times like this is extremely difficult and something I would not wish on anyone!
But throughout my time in hospital and recovering at home, I knew God was with me and wanted me to recover! The best doctors were where they needed to be to make sure I survived a few close calls where my partner was called in in case I did not make it. God was with us and looking after us in ways we only begin to understand now. What happened when my Dad went to be with Jesus also cemented our belief God was watching every step!
I am now back, close to family and friends – though we made many new and exceptional friends in London as we worked for God. Friends stay with you no matter where you are in the world, but sometimes, you have to be close to family because distance and health difficulties do make you very weary. Always look to God for your guidance and obey when He calls you to do His work – He will look after you even in the more dire times!
Points to Ponder:
Do you fear having to leave friends and family?
Will you obey Christ and allow Him to look after you?