Wednesday 12 May 2021

May 12: Colossians 1:9-14
Key Verse: Colossian 1:9
For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives
One thing I learned while driving to and from work every day was to mind my time by praying for people and things... Not because I was tired or had nothing to do, but because the more I was able to pray, the more I saw differences in my life and the world around me!
Paul continued to pray for so many people whom he had got to know by visiting so many places around the Mediterranean! I marvel at the number of names he was able to remember – because I am so bad at remembering names! We see the writings not as a reminder for himself, but as a result of what he was doing. We need to emulate his example; we need to do a whole lot more praying for people around us all the time. When you are walking to work, driving to work, whatever you are doing (but don’t drive with your eyes closed!)
God wants us to know He answers prayers. If we pray once in a blue moon, we get to see the results of answered prayer once in a blue moon! But if we are going to pray every day, we are going to see the results of those prayers every day – we will not have to wait ages before we are encouraged by what God does in our lives!
But don’t stop there! Don’t shoot your prayers up to God and sit and wait... you’ll be waiting most of the time and not praying! God wants to be in constant communion with Him, which means praying all the time and not just once a day or week or even year! Don’t limit your prayers to what you need or want; start thinking about the needs of others before you pray and see how much more productive your prayers will be. This forms the essence of what Jesus was teaching the disciples – to love one another; I.e. pray for one another all the time!
Points to Ponder:
How often do you pray?
Will you try filling in your time with prayers instead of TV?