Thursday 13 May 2021

May 13: Acts 1:1-5

Key Verse: Acts 1:5
For John baptised with water, but in a few days you will be baptised with the Holy Spirit.’
This is the day we remember and celebrate how Jesus ascended into Heaven to be back with God His Father. It is not something we often think too much about because we see death as final in our lives; once we die, we go to be with Jesus if we have accepted Him into our lives... but have you thought about how the disciples must have felt when they saw Jesus back in fleshly form after they were witness to Him dying on the cross after being punished so much!
We don’t like to think of death too much because it will separate us from our families and loved ones; but it is the start of a whole new adventure which will last for eternity! We cannot conceive how we can escape death when we know how final it seems. But Jesus came back to be with the disciples to open their eyes and hearts to something extraordinary – life after death!
While they were trying to digest this, Jesus impressed on them how important it was to receive the Holy Spirit in the same way as they had accepted Christ as their Messiah. Not because it was going to save them any more than He could, but because the Holy Spirit was going to be their constant companions whilst they were still here on earth.
Jesus had been in constant communion with God all the time He was here in human form; He wanted the disciples to know this constant love and communion He knew. He had shown them how real He was, I.e. back in human form, by doing so many special things and even the ordinary everyday things with them. Our lives should be lived constantly with God, both the spiritual and everyday human lives in constant communion with God through the Holy Spirit.
Points to Ponder:
How often do you think of God being with you?
Will you live today as if He was walking by your side?