Friday 14 May 2021

May 14: Ephesians 1:15-23
Key Verse: Ephesians 1:22
And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church
The apostle continued to remind the people in various church how important God was in their lives, how they should live their lives for Christ and continue to commune with God... but He also reminded them how special they were because they were chosen by Christ to be children of God, not through anything they could do but because of what Christ had done for them!
His constant prayer for the people who had come to know God was that the Holy Spirit would enable them to understand God’s Word even more than he could teach them. There are limits as to how much we can glean from other people, but there is no limit how much we can learn directly from God through the Holy Spirit – the same Spirit Christ promised would come to be with the people when He left to go back to heaven!
It is not just the understanding we receive from the Spirit, but the power we receive through knowing Him and trusting Him. Christ showed the disciples just how much power they could have by believing God would answer prayers when they asked for things in the name of Jesus; the same power we can receive through believing how God continues to work in this world and in our lives.
The more things I pray for, the more answered prayers I see and the more I get to know this same power the apostle was talking about to the people in Ephesus. Christ was not held back by this world because He knew God and demonstrated ultimate faith in God the Father throughout His ministry. We will not be held back by this world when we have faith in Christ!
Points to Ponder:
How much faith do you place in Christ’s hands?
Will you trust Him a little more today?