Monday 19 Jul 2021

July 19: Mark 6:30-34
Key Verse: Mark 6:34
When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. So he began teaching them many things.
I wonder how many times you have got so carried away with work or a hobby, you have forgotten to eat and drink properly! I know I have done this on many occasions with computer work and also in doing God’s work. When we get going, it is hard to stop and doing something which seems menial such as eating or drinking when you have so much more work to do!
God wants us to take time out at regular intervals so we do not wear ourselves out. He showed us to take one day of the week as a day of rest and recuperation – something many of us forget to do in our busy lifestyles. Jesus upheld this by reminding the disciples to take time out and to try and spend it with God.
But when Jesus tried to take the disciples away to a quiet place so they could rest, many people saw where they were going and followed them expecting to be blessed in some manner by Christ. Jesus found a way to getting peace by taking them out onto the water so others would not try to follow them – but they had to come back to dry land in the end. This is when the people crowded round them.
When Jesus saw them all, He had compassion on them. Not because they had wondered out into this place, or even because they came out without food and drink... He had compassion on them because He could see they had no real spiritual leader to turn to. They did not have a good shepherd at that time. He knew He would be able to step forward and take on this mantle, but He also knew what else He had to do before then...
Points to Ponder:
Do you always go out fully prepared to do God’s Work?
Who do you put your trust in when you need backup?