Wednesday 6 Sep 2023

September 6: Colossians 1:3-8

Key Verse: Colossians 1:4
because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all God’s people

How often do you try  to encourage people who already believe in God? We all have our good days and our bad days and during those bad days it is very good to hear from others and be encouraged by simply talking. Social media is used as a venting station for many people and can be quite depressing at times because of that. But without being able to vent some will not be able to survive the onslaught of emotions they are facing.

Our Lord has reminded us on many occasions to love our neighbours; this also means loving those who are reaching out through whatever means they can. A physical shout out for help is answered whenever anyone hears it, but a more silent scream for help through other means is not always answered. We can stand up and stretch out our arms to those who call for help – God will be able to guide you in what help is needed.

The point here is we have to be willing to answer God’s call for help for someone else; He puts these times in our lives when others need help and will put things out in other people’s lives when we need help. But unless we are willing to listen out for those silent calls for help, we will not get very far.

God wants us to have a willingness to stand up and say “do you need help?” Some will not ask but wait for someone to offer. Others will shout out at the least problem. Being willing to wait for any call and answer calls is what God would like us to do in our communities.

Points to Ponder:
How often do you help others?

How often do you silently call for help?