Thursday 7 Sep 2023

September 7: Luke 5:4-7

Key Verse: Luke 5:5
Simon answered, ‘Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.’

What would it take for you to decide a life with Christ is all you need? Simon and his crew had just come in from fishing unsuccessfully all night. I think it is bad enough when I can’t catch a fish with a rod, so being a commercial fisherman and not catching anything must have been a blow! After sitting and listening to Jesus teaching the crowd his outlook changed a bit.

When Jesus told them to go back out into deeper water and try again, their first thought must have been the time was not right because they always fished at a certain time. Now they are being told to go out and fish after they have failed already. But something convinced Simon and they went out again only to catch the largest haul of fish they could imagine!

God know the right time and place for everything in our lives and if we are willing to listen and obey we will see how good our lives can be. This is not to say Christ will give you all the riches you have ever dreamed of, but He will guide you towards a more fulfilling life if you are willing.

I am a computer geek and I constantly try new things with computers; indeed my house has many computers and electronics. But the things which please me the most are the things I can do for God. Listening to God and obeying makes my life much fuller than it can ever be with the latest and greatest computer components!

Points to Ponder:
Do you try to listen to God?

Will you simply try to obey?