Sunday 25 Apr 2021

April 25: Acts 4:5-12
Key Verse: Acts 4:10
then know this, you and all the people of Israel: it is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed.
The apostles made sure people knew exactly why they went around spreading the gospel and healing people. They wanted everyone to know it was because of Jesus Christ and nothing they could do on their own. They had faith in telling people about Jesus would help them and others...
If we try to be more like the Apostles and have faith in the power of the name of Jesus, we will get a whole lot more done than just working at it alone. We could act like evangelists and shout all about Jesus and hope people listened to us because of our charismatic ways – but a better solution is to show them the power of Jesus name!
To show people the power of Jesus name means we have to have faith things will happen when we ask for them in Jesus' name. They went forward and took Jesus’ name before them wherever they went. They knew Jesus would answer their prayers because Jesus had promised to do so. He also promises the same to us, that is we go forward and ask for things in His name, God will listen and answer our prayers.
It is not about shouting the right words, chanting the right prayers or singing the right songs... it is about lifting up our prayers and asking Jesus to make sure they are answered. We have to petition God in the name of Jesus – that is why Jesus gave His life on the cross, so we would have the chance to ask things in His name afterward.
Points to Ponder:
How often do you ask for things in Jesus’ name?
Will you faithfully ask your next prayers in Jesus’ name?