Sunday 14 July 2024

July 14: Mark 6:21-29

Key Verse: Mark 6:25
At once the girl hurried in to the king with the request: “I want you to give me right now the head of John the Baptist on a platter.”

How many times have you been upset by someone who has promised you something and has not delivered on their promise? How many times have you promised someone and not been able to deliver on the promise because of circumstances? If you don’t like telling someone you have to break your promise, then should you not be making the promise in the first place!

When the disciples were with Jesus they must have been pleasantly surprised to find He always kept His word and made sure He did what He said He would! It is a sad state of affairs we find ourselves in where we know in the back of our minds we may well be let down by someone who has promised us something!

Jesus wants us to live a life where we are a good example of what a Christian should be like – someone who is able to tell the truth and carry out all of their promises! Herod found out the hard way that if he promised something he would have to carry out that promise no matter how much he dislikes the outcome. To that end he had to deliver John’s head on a platter because the daughter of Herodias called him out on his promise of offering anything she wanted!

We should learn from this we should not offer things we may not be able to deliver on otherwise we will be seen as the ones who go back on their word!

Points to Ponder:
Do you promise things you know you may not be able to deliver on?

Do you depend on Christ telling the truth?