Monday 15 July 2024

July 15: Matthew 10:34-42

Key Verse: Matthew 10:39
Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.

I have always found people who are willing to argue for and against taking the words used here quite literally. I’m not here to argue one way or another but to allow you to make you own decision based on the words used by the Apostle to depict what Jesus was telling the disciples.

There must have been times when they would have felt very comfortable and content knowing Jesus was with them thinking they were in the best place to be. But the words used here and retold by Matthew are quite concerning when we look at it from an earthly point of view. Jesus knew this as we have already seen how He described others as family instead of His earthly blood-relatives.

Jesus knows the love we have for each other in our families and knows of the special love couples have for one another. What Jesus is trying to depict here is a love which goes further than the love we look at in our families. The love Jesus has for us was shown by Him giving His life up so we could live with Him in heaven. This is beyond any love we know for our families – even if we think otherwise!

Jesus wanted the disciples to understand a new level of love, one which he wanted them to have for God. We have seen all throughout history, both in our bibles and in the world, how people have chosen to lay down their lives at times. We have also seen how people could not quite bring themselves to that point when push came to shove. Jesus wants us to not have to think about our love for God, but to just love Him without reserve!

Points to Ponder:
Do you love someone special?

Do you really love Jesus?