Tuesday 16 July 2024

July 16: Isaiah 7:1-9

Key Verse: Isaiah 7:7
Yet this is what the Sovereign Lord says: “‘It will not take place, it will not happen

One thing I have learned to accept is I am not in control – God is! Yes I have freedom of choice and I make decisions which affect my life and the life of others around me, but as for my life and how long I live, that is God’s choice to make and not mine. When can go through our bibles and find many places where God wanted someone to stay alive or to win a war or to do something extraordinary; He made it happen!

Isaiah had to do many things which we may not like to do, just as other prophets were told by God to go and do something unpalatable, and he stepped forward and obeyed God. That is the key point here. He chose to obey God and do what God wanted knowing that God knew what was best and what was needed!

Today I was reminded of some of the things I went through in hospital and some of the things others had to stand by and watch as they unfolded for me. I also remembered how I knew God was in control and simply waited for God to open the right doors at the right time. Friends and family could not understand why I was doing that, but I knew in my heart I had to do that.

God has a special plan for each one of us and if we are willing to wait on Him, listen out for His instructions and to obey His requests for whatever change He wants in our lives, then we will find out just how much God can do in our lives. Many Doctors and nurses have marvelled at how I was able to pull through when it all seemed against me… I knew it was God!

Points to Ponder:
Do you wait on God?

Do you listen to His instructions?