Tuesday 2 July 2024

July 2: Matthew 8:23-27

Key Verse: Matthew 8:27
The men were amazed and asked, “What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!”

There were a few times when Jesus made known the power of God in ways which made people stop in their tracks; this was one of them! Some of the disciples were experienced fishermen and knew how to handle themselves at sea, even in storms. None of them had ever seen a storm be quieted by a person!

Jesus did not claim this victory as His own but gave the glory to His Father in Heaven. He was willing to place His faith and trust in God and to rely on God at that very moment. When we do place our trust entirely in God’s hands, we can be sure He will answer us in ways we do not see every day. I know this because I have seen what He can do when I have placed my faith wholly in His hands.

If we claim to have done something when it was clearly God, we should not expect Him to continue supporting us when we call out to Him. But the disciples continued to see God love and support them wherever they were and what ever they were up to!

Jesus did not hesitate to give God the glory. We should do likewise and make sure we show others God is the power and He should get all the glory!

Points to Ponder:
Do you give God the glory?

Or, do you take glory for your own?