Friday 28 June 2024

Jun 28: Philippians 4:4-9

Key Verse: Philippians 4:9
Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me - put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

How often do you rejoice in God? I say this because we were talking about this last night in our home group and we all knew we could be doing more of rejoicing! The idea we came up with for “what is rejoicing” was the idea of having joy with us always, or “re-joying” always!

So where do we get this joy from and how do we go about sharing it and giving some joy to others? What use is having joy in our lives if we are not able to share it with others? We have Christ in our lives and the best thing we can do with that is to share Christ with others. We do not have to explain everything in minute detail before others will be able to know Christ. We introduce the idea of Christ and He will do the cleaning and encouraging.

Once someone else gets to know Christ, they will have the ability to have joy in their lives. It all requires a certain amount of faith in Christ knowing what He has done for us is always available and is open to all no matter what we have done. How could anyone not find joy in knowing Christ is on their side…

This is where the Apostle gives us the idea we should be taking what we know, what we feel and what Christ has given us and sharing it with others. We do this by being an example for others to see. If we are successful at showing others we know Christ, they can get to know Him just by watching us – as long as we are putting into practice all Christ is doing for us and has shown us. This is being a disciple...

Points to Ponder:
How often are you happy about something?

How often are you joyful about knowing Christ?