Thursday 17 Jun 2021

June 17: Ezekiel 17:22-24
Key Verse: Ezekiel 17:24
All the trees of the forest will know that I the Lord bring down the tall tree and make the low tree grow tall. I dry up the green tree and make the dry tree flourish. ‘“I the Lord have spoken, and I will do it.”’
Too many times we try to limit God through what we can see and do or how we see the world. Too many times we put limits on things because we cannot see a way forward and we expect nothing to happen... But God is not limited by our imagination and certainly not by our rules or regulations!
When God was speaking through Ezekiel, it was to show the world there was no limit to what He could do and no physical definition of what could be done; so He described it in ways which don’t seem to make sense for us, until we have seen what God can do in our lives! God can take the smallest of sparks (or in this case the smallest of buds) and from a roaring fire which can consume everything from it. But God is not here to destroy everything but to build it up and support us.
Hence, He describes it as being a small bud from which a huge tree can grow – but not to be limited to nature or natural ways, God can take the biggest trees and lay waste to them or take the smallest shoots and grow giants from them. God is not limited to doing stuff where we define it can be done because He will get things done where they are needed and not where mankind thinks it is possible!
Where we see a tree dying because it has lost its leaves, God sees the potential for a big green and healthy tree. Where we see death and destruction, God sees the beginning of life and growth. Don’t be disheartened because you cannot see a way forward – trust in God and allow Him to make a way forward to show everyone just what He can do!
Points to Ponder:
Do you limit God’s work?
Do you know He will get it done with or without you!

Wednesday 16 Jun 2021

June 16: Psalm 34:8-14
Key Verse: Psalm 34:11
Come, my children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the Lord.
How do you go about telling people about God? Do you try to sit them down and teach them from the bible? Do you remember what it was like when teachers tried to teach you about a subject you had no interest in?
When we first try to teach others about God, we are very likely going to come against people who have no real interest in God – because if they did they would be Christians! When we hear the good news about God, we want to grab it with both hands and keep it close – but before we got to hear the gospel, we probably did not want to hear any of this good news because it would mean we would have to change the way we were living!
We cannot convince people by telling them all the awful things they have done. We cannot hope to convince people by telling them how good God is... but if we spend the time showing people what it is like to be a Christian and to have Christ in our lives – then they have something to look forward to! That is why it is called the good news! If we cannot show people how good it is to live with Christ – they are not likely to want to come and taste our lifestyle!
This does mean changing the way we live – turning our backs on evil and the bad things in life. If we can show others we have a wonderful life with Christ, then they may be willing to give up some of the horrible things they are involved in and change their ways too. It takes time and it take patience – but we need to do this all with Christ by our sides...
Points to Ponder:
How do you talk to others about God?
Have you tried showing others God in your life?

Tuesday 15 Jun 2021

June 15: Psalm 34:1-3
Key Verse: Psalm 34:3
Glorify the Lord with me: let us exalt his name together.
I am always amused at the story of David when he pretended to be insane before Abimelek – who drove David away and hence spared his life! When God asks you to do something are you prepared to do what He asks?
I can remember the first time I went to help with the youth work at Faith Baptist Church and was promptly asked if I would think about taking it over because the current person in charge would be leaving soon! I was petrified I would not fit in or I would not know what to do – but after praying about it and accepting the task I have never looked back with youth work!
God has a way of asking you to do things outside of your comfort zone – not because He wants you to do something you will not be able to do, but because He really does know how good you will be for the position He is looking at! Trust God in everything and obey Him!
As a result of David escaping from the hands of Abimelek, he had no issues about trusting God with everything and making sure he listened in future. He knew he had done things wrong in the past and knew he had no real right to ask for forgiveness – other than God promising He will forgive people when they ask! David knew he must continue to praise God and lift Him above all else so people would see how important having God in your life is! Let us lift up God’s name and allow people to experience the joy and freedom we enjoy!
Points to Ponder:
Do you like having God in your life?
When was the last time you told others how good God is?

Monday 14 Jun 2021

June 14: Mark 4:26-34
Key Verse: Mark 4:32
Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds can perch in its shade.
I think most of us have heard the parable of the mustard seed, but often overlook the simplicity of what is happening. We sow seeds, throwing them or planting them into the ground. We don’t have to set up a special container so the seeds will germinate. We don’t have to keep the temperature just right for the seeds to do something... We just bury them in the soil and apply a bit of water!
God is the one who makes sure the seed will do what it is designed to do. He will make sure it dies as a seed but germinates into a plant. Some of the seeds we plant are large and we may even use them as food without thinking about their true task as designed by God!
The seeds are food for birds as well! They don’t have to go to the shop to buy the seeds; rather God provides them with the seeds as they need them – though some may question that because they think they are keeping the birds alive in their gardens! We just short-cut the food chain and allow the birds to get the food quicker than they would in nature.
We know how long it takes for the seeds to germinate, grow and how long we have to wait before we can harvest the fruit from those seeds. God designed it this way, yet we don’t always think of it! We have learned to make the most of the seeds and the earth around us so we can get the most fruit from the seeds. We pride ourselves in knowing this simple design God gave us!
Jesus spoke in parables to try and reach into people’s hearts and minds. We must stop and think more about what God has given us and praise Him for the amazing design of everything.
Points to Ponder:
How often do you stop and think about what God has given you?
Will you try to praise Him today for some of the simpler things in life?