Saturday 3 Jul 2021

July 3: 2 Samuel 7:4-7
Key Verse: 2 Samuel 7:5
Go and tell my servant David, “This is what the Lord says: are you the one to build me a house to dwell in?
When was the last time you tried to do something for God – something which you thought He needed or you thought would please Him... I mean without being asked by God to do it first...
There are times in our lives when we get all roused up about something because we think it is a good idea and we think it would be good for God! See, that is where we fall down at the first hurdle – us thinking we know what God needs or wants. If we go back over the bible we will see enough occurrences of God asking people to do something for Him – and when those people obeyed God, good things happened!
But when people started thinking more of the things they were doing and less about God, there are cases where God got angry with them! We should not presume to know what God needs or wants – He has made it clear He will ask when He wants or needs something from us – we just have to listen!
When David thought about the house he was living in and compared it with the tent constructed for God, he got a bit worried or upset and wanted to build God a big house or palace – something befitting a king. But that is not what God had asked for and not what He wanted David to do. So He told Nathan to tell David this is not what God wanted – which probably upset David a bit because he probably got it in his head he should be doing something great for God!
Points to Ponder:
When was the last time you stopped and listed to God?
Will you wait for God to ask before you rush off and do something?

Friday 2 Jul 2021

July 2: 1 Thessalonians 2:13
Key Verse: 1 Thessalonians 2:13
And we also thank God continually because, when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as a human word, but as it actually is, the word of God, which is indeed at work in you who believe.
How do you see the bible? Do you see it as a book written by men? Do you see it as a collection of letters written by men? Do you see it as historic records and prophecies? We can come up with many descriptions of what the bible is nowadays, but unless we accept the roots from where it came, we have nothing more than a collection of writings!
God inspired the right people at the right time to write down what He had taught them. He chose the people we now know as the authors of the writings because of their belief and their faithfulness. It is a truly diverse group of people over a very long period who have written down the records, thoughts and beliefs they have learned from God over a wide range of subjects.
Yet, what we end up with is a set of writings which all support each other and come together to give us an informed position of what God wants from us in our lives. These words have been written by people during their lives with God, spanning many years, forming a complete story of mankind's walk with God.
What we do need to remember is this is not just a bunch of writings by humans, but an inspired work of God, brought to us through humans who have recorded what God inspired them to write for our sakes. This was God’s plan, and it continues to be His plan as we learn what he wants in our lives.
Points to Ponder:
How do you describe the Bible?
Will you be inspired by God to read His Word?

Thursday 1 Jul 2021

July 1: Colossians 4:2-6
Key Verse: Colossians 4:2
Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.
In the previous chapter the author is trying to get across to people how they should behave no matter what position they have in life – some of the words we may find objectionable nowadays, but these were for the people at that time, but still apply to us. But no matter what position people hold in society or rank or wealth, they should all be subject to these words – to pray always, to be watchful and to be thankful.
We may be in a very difficult relationship, in a dead-end job, without work, sick in hospital... but we should always find time to pray, watch and thank! God wants us to watch out for others, to be thankful for having others in our lives, and to pray for others too.
We should be open to pray for others and also be open to request prayers from others. Christ always lifted others up in prayer throughout His ministry here. He lived a life of prayer and thanksgiving, always watching out for the people around Him. If we do not feel up to going out and teaching others about God, then we can stay home and pray for them instead. If we feel threatened by others, we can still pray for them without confronting them at all.
It is also good to be a bit different from the world. If we are no different from the world around us, then we are not going to be noticed and people will not take any notice of the things we say or do – because we are just like everyone else! God wants us to be full of grace and mercy, just as Jesus was on earth. He wants us to be noticed for the good things we do – not to get praise from others, but because we want them to be able to see God through us and through what we do!
Points to Ponder:
Is your life a bit different from the people around you?
Will you stand out from the crowd and allow people to see a bit of Jesus through you?

Wednesday 30 Jun 2021

June 30: 1 Thessalonians 1:4-6
Key Verse: 1 Thessalonians 1:6
You became imitators of us and of the Lord, for you welcomed the message in the midst of severe suffering with the joy given by the Holy Spirit.
When Paul wrote this letter to the church in Thessalonica, he wrote of the way they had lived their lives as imitators of Christ. When Jesus came to live amongst us, He did not set Himself up in a palace and rule over the people, he set aside everything and moved in with the people. He became part of the local community and lived with the people.
The Thessalonians were doing the same – they were setting their own lives apart and living for the people and with the people. They had set aside the rules of society where the rich do things differently and the poor must be kept in their place... they brought the people together as one and lived for God’s glory.
People see how we live. People watch how we behave... If we want to make a difference in our communities, then we have to make sure we live more like Christ and less like the world. How will people see anything different if all they see is the world through you. They should be seeing glimpses of Christ through you – they should be being encouraged to live in the same manner and turn their own lives toward God.
It is our duty to make a difference so people will see Christ as different from the world. This way they will be able to learn something new from the Holy Spirit and not just another human acting like all the other humans!
Points to Ponder:
How do people see you?
Will you try to reflect a bit more of Christ today?