Friday 3 Jul 2020

July 3: Mark 11:22-26

Key Verse: Mark 11:23
Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them.

Do you have doubts when you pray? Doubts your prayers will be heard, doubts they will be answered, doubts they are what you need? All these doubts do not come from God but from the evil one who is trying desperately to make you doubt so your prayers will not be answered. Jesus was quite plain with the truth about prayer – if we ask and believe, He will answer!

Our problems come when we ask with that little bit of doubt hanging around in the corner of our minds – why, because we have probably asked before and nothing has happened yet… but that time we asked we had doubts anyway! Bit of a catch 22 situation and it will remain so until you are corned and ask our of desperation, knowing God is the only one who can answer your prayers, and then you find they are answered.

When Jesus sent out the disciples to go and teach, cure and support people, he did so knowing they knew the power of prayer. When we do know the power of prayer, we don’t, or shouldn’t, have any doubts about what we ask for because we should know Christ is listening and answering all the time.

Each time I write about this subject my mind goes back to a time when I literally fell on my knees with my son and daughter and begged God to help me. We all ended up in tears and our prayers were answered at that very moment; not years, days, hours or minutes later but at that very moment! Yet I still have that nagging doubt swimming round in my head because the evil one is always throwing things into my head and into my path. Lord, help me in my unbelief.

Points to Ponder:
How often do you pray from your heart?

Do you fully trust in your prayers?

Thursday 2 Jul 2020

July 2: Matthew 16:1-4

Key Verse: Matthew 16:3
and in the morning, ‘Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and overcast.’ You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times.

How many times have you checked up on sayings like “red sky at night, shepherds delight?” Sayings like these have been used and depended upon by many people over the past – and now we know there is scientific basis for some of these sayings. But we do not trust in and believe biblical sayings… I look at the arguments going on in churches about the Black Lives Matter movement and wonder what goes through people’s minds as they try to make sense of things for themselves.

There is no way on earth we can support the way in which black people have been treated in the past, and this is not just America but has roots in countries all over the world. I was born in a British colony and was taught lies in school based on what the British colonialists wanted me to know. The more I read about the work Christians were doing behind the scenes to try and get help for the under-class, the more I got involved and the more I was alienating myself from many of my ‘white friends.’

Jesus taught a ministry of full inclusion and not exclusivity. Too much of the modern world is built up on the lies of many generations and those lies need to be exposed. For much of my life I have wondered who is actually telling the truth because I have seen so many things which have been against Christ’s teaching in churches and governments. I don’t condone violence to support a cause, but when the governments themselves are covering up the truth there are going to be people who cannot take it any more, people who will have to use violence to get themselves heard.

Many countries will call this terrorism because it is so violent. What we need to do is to preach the gospel message Jesus brought to us, and if that means going against the very countries we have been brought up in, then Jesus’ ministry must be upheld. If we stick to our old ways we can never move forward to embrace Christ’s truth, we will be stuck with the old ways, ways which have been causing us problems for far too long.

Points to Ponder:
Do you really believe we are all God’s Children?

Will you open your heart and home to everyone?

Wednesday 1 Jul 2020

July 1: Matthew 13:47-50

Key Verse: Matthew 13:48
When it was full, the fishermen pulled it up on the shore. Then they sat down and collected the good fish in baskets, but threw the bad away.

I wonder what the people thought of Jesus when He compared them to various things, from animals to plants and more! I’m sure there were quite a few people who could not quite get their heads round what Jesus was saying at times – but each time this happened, He would sense it and offer some sort of explanation if it was required. I think the disciples got this one quite quickly because many were from a fishing background and understood what happens to the catch when it is sorted…

This may sound a bit harsh to us nowadays because we are so insulated from the reality of where food comes from and what is required to deliver that food from the source to our plates, or freezers! Jesus wanted them to understand the gravity and finality of what was going to happen, so He used their own lives to describe it.

When the gospel message goes out to the world, it does not get selected for the few who know Jesus at the time, it goes out to everyone who is near at the time. Some of those people are not going to want to hear it whilst others don’t know they need to hear it. The net goes down and scoops up everyone who is there at the time. But not everyone is going to be selected from that net load because some will still not believe and some will still not want to know.

When it is time for the net to get drawn in, when it is time for Jesus to come back to take us home, there are going to be people who are caught up in the net but do not believe or do not understand. Jesus has the task of sorting out the fish on that final day and He will go about His task with due diligence, without bending the rules and without making exceptions just because we kick off a bit!

Points to Ponder:
Have you told the people near you about Jesus?

Do they know it will be time soon for Him to return?

Tuesday 30 Jun 2020

June 30: John 21:15-19

Key Verse: John 21:16
Again Jesus said, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” He answered, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Take care of my sheep.”

How often does your loyalty get called into question? If you are like me then it is probably quite often because I seem to do silly things without thinking of the consequences and end up  upsetting people without wanting to. But there are a couple of things these verses remind us of...

I think the first one is that our actions are going to have consequences. No matter how careful we are about doing things, there will always be someone who does not agree with the way we do things and points it out at some stage. Whether this is good or bad is going to depend on what we are doing! But, as Jesus was reminding Simon Peter here, so He reminds us every day as well. We say one thing, but are we following what we say up with what we do – are our actions the same as what we say they should be?

Jesus knows our hearts and knows what we are capable of. He asks us to stretch ourselves when we do things for Him, but He knows we are capable of doing those things before He asks – we may not think so… He has carefully selected each one of us for the things He has planned because He knows what has to be done. If we are going to be the ones saying ‘here I am, use me’ then we need to live up to that!

The second thing we are reminded of here is our own commitment to Jesus. We may say we believe. We may say we care. We may say we love… but how much of that bears fruit in our lives? How much of what we say does happen? Jesus made sure each promise which came out of His mouth came to pass and He continues to live up to those promises. He did not say “I promise to...” but simply spoke the words and we can take those words as promises. Why can’t we be more like that in our lives? Why can’t we just tell the truth and mean what we say?

Points to Ponder:
Do you bend the truth sometimes?

Do you know God sees the actual truth all the time?