Sunday 3 Apr 2022

April 3: Isaiah 43:16-21

Key Verse: Isaiah 43:18
Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.

Here is one of those things which is said, you know it is true, but you have difficulty doing what it says! When we started up our youth ministry, we chose this section of passage because of the hope it gives us that we have something new to look forward to. It may not seem like it when you are in the think of trouble, but we can always look forward to something new. At the very least it is the new beginning we are going to receive in Heaven; but more often it is something just round the corner...

I have always had difficulty letting go of things in the past because, more often than not, I put everything into the present and hope for the future. Yes, very optimistic some will say, but after seeing how God answers prayers over and over again, I know I have always got something to look forward to – be it tomorrow or a decade from now!

When we are in troubled times, all we see is the trouble which surrounds us – like being at sea in a storm. All we can see is the next wave coming to crash into the boat. But when the waters are calm, we can see for miles in all directions! Our lives are going to be like this, sometimes it will be clear sailing and we will see everything in a beautiful light. Sometimes it will be as if we are in the middle of a storm and we see wave after wave and nothing more.

But, every storm will pass and once again the sea will be calm. It is during the calm times we need to continue focusing on God so we can steer towards the land in the distance. He wants to show us which direction to turn to, but we have to be willing to stop and listen. God is Good!

Points to Ponder:
Do you focus on the stormy season?

Will you look forward to the spring and summer instead?

Saturday 2 Apr 2022

April 2: John 7:45-52

Key Verse: John 7:48
Have any of the rulers or of the Pharisees believed in him?

Just because someone does not do what you want and the way you want it done, doesn't make them wrong! All of us like to be in control of our own destiny, so we like to think we are in control of the things happening around us; which often means we want everything to go exactly as we want. When things don’t go according to our plan, we think of them as being wrong!

We don’t have to look very far to see this happening all around us nowadays. We can read about this in our bibles as people set about fighting each other just because they believed differently from each other. We can ready all throughout history how this has shaped and destroyed nations! We can watch it unfolding on our doorsteps in Europe today!

Jesus knew people would fight each other. He knew religious factions would fight each other. He knew the Pharisees would cause a lot of bother just because they wanted the people to follow the laws as described by them – how else would they stay in power and in control? This is the thing; when people sense power or control over others, they start overstepping the mark until they are no longer fully in control because the greed has taken over instead.

God wants us to hear the truth and to uphold the truth. He wants us to set aside the personal feelings and desires we have and try to ensure the truth is told first and foremost. When Nicodemus dared to support Jesus, the rest of the Pharisees shouted him down and supposed he was colluding with Jesus just because he said one thing in support of Him!

Points to Ponder:
Do you uphold you own words, or support God’s words?

Will you set aside your desires and pick up the mantle to follow Christ?

Friday 1 Apr 2022

April 1: John 7:25-31

Key Verse: John 7:27
But we know where this man is from; when the Messiah comes, no one will know where he is from.

How many times have you been sure you knew the truth about something, only to find out a short while later what you knew was not quite right? The more we think we are sure the more we overlook the clues and the more we get entangled in the untruth! Jesus could see how confused the people were because they had become sure they would not know the Messiah – what they did not understand was they would not know where He really came from...

The people had got to know who Mary was and who Jesus was. He was the carpenters son, a human boy born to a mother outside of wedlock… or at least that is what they saw and focused on, leaving the truth out of the equation all together. They did not know the true Father of Jesus because they saw Joseph as the man.

Jesus started to allow people to see the truth; firstly by telling them here He was the Son of God in a round about way. If He had come out with the words, everyone would have tried to punish Him because it would have been seen as blasphemous! Jesus knew the time was not yet right for Him to open the people’s eyes to the absolute truth, so He slipped away while they were in disarray over the statement.

But the people who were willing to listen to the truth and accept it for what it was, saw something very special – they saw the man who was the Messiah, the Saviour who had come to save them once and for all. The people who believed in Jesus because to realise the extent of the miracles He was doing and the truth He was allowing them to hear.

Points to Ponder:
Do you get too tied up in life to stop and see the truth?

Will you take a moment to reflect of what Jesus is doing in your life?

Thursday 31 Mar 2022

March 31: Psalm 106:19-23

Key Verse: Psalm 106:23
So he said he would destroy them - had not Moses, his chosen one, stood in the breach before him to keep his wrath from destroying them.

Would you stand up and take the punishment for someone you love who had got themselves into trouble? I know most of us would try to do what we can to keep our friends from getting into trouble, but standing up and saying you are guilty instead of them takes a whole lot more courage and love.

When the Hebrew people started to make idols for themselves and worship them instead of God, it was Moses who stood up and was willing to bed God to forgive the people. God had every right to be upset with the people and even to take away everything He had given them – including their lives; but Moses was willing to stand up and ask God to give everyone another chance. Moses stood in the path of destruction so God would not take it out on the people!

When Jesus came to earth in human form, He was willing to stand up in front of the accusers and take on the punishment instead of us. We are the ones who have sinned and have done things wrong before God. Jesus did no wrong before God; yet He was still willing to stand up instead of us and take the full punishment which was death!

The Apostles learned through Jesus example this is what love is all about. They learned through the harshness of the death of Christ on the cross that love must not have any limits. They began to understand the full extent of the love God has for us all because Jesus showed them through example. Jesus wants us to be able to stand up and be counted for the love He has shared with us!

Points to Ponder:
How do you show people love?

Are you willing to stand up and declare your love for others?