Friday 18 Mar 2022

March 18: Matthew 21:33-39

Key Verse: Matthew 21:38
But when the tenants saw the son, they said to each other, “This is the heir. Come, let’s kill him and take his inheritance.”

Have you ever thought about what you are doing with everything God is giving you? This may sound like a bit of a mute question if you are thinking God is not giving you anything… so let’s consider if you are being given anything by God!

When we look at our lives, we view them through the eyes of a human from earth – because we are human and we live on earth! But to God it is very different because He is viewing everything as one picture and not taking each physical object and analysing it in relation to what other people have or are taking. Our view is limited to what we can see, hear, taste, feel or experience in some manner.

If we take a step back and consider all the things we have in our lives, we can then try to figure out where they have come from, who has allowed them to be there and why do we have what we have when others may be missing out, or why do we miss out when others have so much! God chose for us to be here at this time and He supplied a whole world around us – what we have chosen to do has affected us and what we have ended up with. Some of those choices may have been taken by others around us and we had no control on them, but others we have actively chosen.

Now consider God knows everything and has tried to put us in the right place at the right time to gain what He wants us to have – our choices may have prevented that from happening, or have allowed us to have some very special things and people in our lives. What are you doing with the world around you which is affecting what God can give you?

Points to Ponder:
Do you actively work for things?

Have you made sure God was in the choices you made?

Thursday 17 Mar 2022

March 17: Matthew 20:20-28

Key Verse: Matthew 20:26
Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant

Have you been in a place of work or an organisation where the people who knew the right people seemed to get the better positions or jobs to do? I am sad to admit I have been in far too many jobs where this still goes on, but when you find a job where they truly look at the work you do and not who your parents were or what sort of car you drive, then you will be a whole lot happier to work for them!

When the mother of Zebedee’s sons came to Jesus to try and get her sons in positions of authority or social standing, Jesus was quite straight with her – it is God’s choice where they should be and not anything to do with the physical world or friends of friends etc. Jesus wants each person to get the respect they deserve and not what they can pay for!

Although the young men had been brought up to think they could be righteous people, Jesus warned them they would have to be willing to give just as He gave, to live as He lived and to be humble in doing any of it! Their mother, on the other hand, wanted a favour for her sons rather than them earning their positions in life. Whilst we cannot blame the mother for wanting the best for her sons, they were learning Jesus is Just and does not give in to social standings.

If we want to have any position in our churches, we should be willing to work from the bottom and not to jump in at the top just because we went to university or because our parents had positions in church. Each of us should be willing to serve the community and the church people before we can expect anything from them. Jesus came to serve His Father by being willing to serve mankind in any way possible.

Points to Ponder:
Do you expect rewards in life?

Are you willing to give rewards first?

Wednesday 16 Mar 2022

March 16: Matthew 20:17-19

Key Verse: Matthew 20:18
We are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be delivered over to the chief priests and the teachers of the law. They will condemn him to death

Have you ever faced a certain end? I’m not talking about facing a certain death, but any outcome which was certain to happen… We tend to over-react when things are not going well and many of us will only see the negative outcome ahead; if you are of a more optimistic outlook, then you may see the hope you have in a positive outcome and aim for that goal instead of the horrors which can await you.

Sometimes we are faced with very difficult decisions to make because we are facing outcomes which are bad on all fronts. But, ever the optimist, I will always try to see the way forward which gives me the most hope; and, yes, I know that can be annoying to others people who don’t get to see the hope I see in most things, but there is always hope.

Jesus outlined the terrible things He was going to have to face. He knew this was all going to happen in Jerusalem, yet He still wanted to go there – knowing this was the way forward which would bring the hope we need in our lives. He knew of the terrible things he would have to face, but he also knew of the terrible things which we faced if He did not step forward! That is the love He has for us – He stepped forward knowing what He was facing!

He knew He would be raised from the terrible death He was facing. He knew this was the way He could be our perfect sacrifice so we would not have to carry on making sacrifices for ever sin we committed. But, in order for Him to be our perfect and final sacrifice, we do have to step forward with humble and contrite hearts, admitting to the sins we have done and asking Christ to be our Saviour to cover those sins with His blood.

Points to Ponder:
Do you face any horrible things in your life at the moment?

Will you admit them to Christ and ask Him to intervene on your behalf?

Tuesday 15 Mar 2022

March 15: Isaiah 1:18-20

Key Verse: Isaiah 1:18
‘Come now, let us settle the matter,’ says the Lord. ‘Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.

We often think of forgiveness as being a moveable line or amount; we can forgive some people for virtually anything, but for others we will accept their apology but still carry a grudge against them! God does not have a measure for forgiveness, His forgiveness is total and forever!

If does not matter what sin we are talking about either. It could be something we did which does not affect anyone else, but we know it. It could be something which affected the whole community, but we did it anyway! I know I have broken rules in the past which have affected many people and potentially been measured by more money than I have earned in my lifetime… We always have measures for everything in our lives!

To God, sin is sin, no matter how big or small we see it as, it is sin and it is wrong! If we want to be forgiven for that sin, we have to bring that sin into the open before God and ask Him to forgive us for what we did wrong. Sometimes it is going to be easy for us to admit to it, but more often than not, it is going to be hard for us to admit to it – because we don’t like admitting we are wrong. When we do bring it forward and Christ accepts our admission, those sins will be removed from our lives once and for all (at least in God’s eyes they will be forgotten)

But when we don’t want to admit we have done wrong, we have to carry that guilt around with us all the time. Those feelings are going to hound us for the rest of our lives – only Christ will be able to release our guilt, which is why we need to bring them to Him in the first place!

Points to Ponder:
Do you like admitting to sin?

Will you trust Christ to forgive you?