Friday 11 Jun 2021

June 11: Isaiah 42:5-12
Key Verse: Isaiah 42:6
I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles,
This chapter in Isaiah and the following one mean so much to me because of the work I have done in the past which has largely been done because of the wording in these two chapters – so here we go with a snippet from this chapter.
When God spoke to Isaiah, it was always with great intention and He depended on Isaiah taking those words and giving them to the people. How much the people listened is debatable! The fact these words have been scribed and continue to mean so much to people even now, thousands of years after they were given to man means they were very important to God and it took a prophet like Isaiah to make sure they would remain in peoples hearts and minds over time.
God calls us into righteousness – just as He called Isaiah to make sure these words were remembered and told to the people, He calls us to take these words and spread them amongst all people. Not just the Jews but to all people who are willing to listen to God’s instructions. God created us and continues to support us in so many ways – it is right for us to continue to support Him by spreading His words.
This was the promise God made to all people; something we often forget as we focus on the Jews and not the rest of the world. It was meant to be an inspiration to all mankind; meant to open the eyes and hearts of all people and to allow the broken, poor and segregated to be a part of our lives. Gone are the days when He would focus only on His chosen race, here we focus on God getting His word to all mankind!
Points to Ponder:
Do you often feel left out of society?
If society walks away from God, who will you follow – them or God?

Thursday 10 Jun 2021

June 10: Psalm 55:16-23
Key Verse: Psalm 55:22
Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.
We all face horrible things in our lives, whether it is health related, personal reasons, socio-political circumstances or whatever – bad things happen! We are not alone. Bad things tend to happen to us all, especially in times when we face natural disasters. But, no matter how mad things get, the Lord is going to be with you ever step of the way!
One thing I learned whilst in hospital clinging on to life, was the comfort God can give you in your worst times! I know a lot of people around me went through horrible times as the doctors told them I may not make it through the night – but God was giving me a comfort in those times which I can clearly remember now and tell people about now I am well and able to do it!
When we spend time lifting up our prayers to God, He spends time sitting with us, listening and answering those prayers. He needs us to listen to any and all instructions He is giving us – which means we have to spend time listening and waiting on Him. If we shout out our prayers and then run off before He can answer or explain things to us, we miss out! When I was in hospital, I had more than enough time to sit and wait on Him, listening to what He was telling me through the people around me.
When Jesus told us to cast our burdens on Him, it was not a new thing! God has been trying to tell us to do this for many years through His word and through examples in our history. It’s time to stop, look and listen to what God is trying to tell us in our lives!
Points to Ponder:
How often do you worry about circumstances in your life?
How often do you lift up those circumstances and wait on God?

Wednesday 9 Jun 2021

June 9: Mark 4:1-9
Key Verse: Mark 4:9
Then Jesus said, ‘Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear.’
Have you ever doubted whether you could tell people about Jesus, or how you would get muddled up when you tried, or how you would get asked a question you couldn’t answer... These are the doubts the evil one is putting in your head! He does not want you to go round telling people the truth about Christ otherwise they will know he has already lost the battle!
We are like the farmer in this parable, sowing seeds - I.e. talking about Christ. When the farmer sows the seeds, he does not spend hours trying to ensure ever seeds gets placed in the correct position so it has the very best chance of germinating – he throws them all over the place and depends on God to get the seeds to germinate correctly. This is how we need to tell people about God. We need to tell anyone who is willing to listen and allow God to get those words to germinate in their hearts.
This does mean we are going to talk to more people than those who will accept Christ into their lives; we are going to spread our seeds all over the place and not try to place the words exactly where they should be heard and in the perfect order in the most eloquent sentences! We talk what we know and we talk from our hearts; we talk to everyone and allow others to overhear what we say – because we don’t know who will be the ones who listen and take those words into their hearts!
I know I have tried to do things right and fallen flat on my face in the past. But when I have opened up the floor and allowed God to not just guide me, but to talk to others as I spout words I think make sense... It is God who will allow the right people to make sense out of the ramblings which come out of my mouth!
Points to Ponder:
Are you trying too hard to say teach the gospel perfectly?
Will you allow God to take your words and touch people’s hearts?

Tuesday 8 Jun 2021

June 8: Matthew 5:21-24
Key Verse: Matthew 5:24
leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift.
Talking about facing the music... what do you feel like when you get angry with something or someone? How does it make you feel about yourself? Too often we get caught up in the heated discussions or arguments and we lose sight of what we should be doing or what we are doing to God and to our neighbours!
The more we get caught up in the heat of the moment, the more we lose sight on what is important, focusing on the little things which grow into big things which stop us from achieving our goals. God does not want us to lose sight of how we affect the people around us; Jesus taught the disciples to be mindful of the people around at all times and to love them as much as you love yourself... which means you have to start loving yourself before you can get very far!
To love yourself you have to let go of the things which are holding you back – typically the things which we have lost control to and which have started to take over our lives instead of releasing us from the burdens. Jesus also taught the disciples to bring all their burdens to Him so He could help to lighten the load; the same is true for us!
If we have something which is disturbing our hearts and minds, then we need to bring it to God and release it before we can move forward in the way God wants us to. What are the things which hold us back – well, mostly the strife from the arguments we have had and not let go of. God wants us to set them aside and allow Him to guide us forward in our lives and in our love.
Points to Ponder:
What is holding you back today?
Will you bring it to God and allow Him to lighten your load?