July 11, 2014

Psalm 18:4 The pangs of death surrounded me, and the floods of ungodliness made me afraid.

One of the hardest things I find of dealing with is the heart-ache we have from what other people say and do against us, especially when we are trying to do what God has asked of us.

These back-biting words and deeds come from all manner of people in our lives and when they come they overshadow all the good words and deeds.

When they do, turn to God’s Word and find the strength again. God has promised never to leave us and He does not. Draw on His strength, always.

July 10, 2014

Psalm 119:62 At midnight I will rise to give thanks to You, because of Your righteous judgments.

Have you ever had to get up really early to go off on holiday? It is hard waking up at first but the excitement takes over and we go for it!

What about viewing your life with Christ in a similar manner? Why not be happy and eager to get up early on occasion to set things in motion?

If you are serious with God then you should be willing to go that extra hour and achieve more for Him and with Him!

July 9, 2014

Acts 16:25 But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them.

Don’t make the excuse that you can never get to a church when it is open or that you cannot meet with others because of work schedules.

Paul and Silas were in prison but they set aside their late night hours to worship God in the way they could; they prayed openly and they sung together.

Our family has never been one to gather round a piano and sing so when I can get together with others and attempt to sing, I try.

God knows my heart and He seems to put up with my voice!

July 8, 2014

Ephesians 5:19 speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord,

Being able to meet with people and encourage each other is one of the things I enjoy most about being a Christian.

I’m not one for making a party out of life and living it on the edge because I would rather see my energy directed toward someone in need than myself.

Reminding each other of all the wonderful things God opens up to us through His Word gives us hope for our future; a hope that means more than self-gratification, and lasts longer too!