June 25, 2014

Isaiah 5:12 The harp and the strings, the tambourine and flute, and wine are in their feasts; but they do not regard the work of the Lord, nor consider the operation of His hands.

I consider myself as a practical person because I can do practical things with my hands; I can fix and break things but I cannot play musical instruments!

I do marvel at people of all ages who are able to play instruments where they have to be in full control of their hands often with great dexterity to reach each note.

I marvel at how God has created us to be able to do things like this, each of us with very different skills we have learned, but each able to do so because God created us in this way!

June 24, 2014

Psalm 63:5 My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness, and my mouth shall praise You with joyful lips.

Just as we can dream about having a delicious meal when we are really hungry, we too should dream about the refreshing Word of God!

It is not just the physical body that we should keep filled and healthy but our spiritual bodies as well.

Enjoying a good meal keeps you going for longer than the meal lasts, but will eventually run out.

We need to keep topped up with God’s Word in order to stay in spiritual form too.

June 23, 2014

Psalm 71:23 My lips shall greatly rejoice when I sing to You, and my soul, which You have redeemed.

Being able to celebrate how much we love God and how much Christ means to us is actually important in our lives. Being able to tell others and show others that we have joy in our lives is good.

If anyone tells you to keep quiet about loving God then they clearly do not know how much God means to you; so tell them about God!

This is not out of duty that we should perform these things but because of our love for our almighty God.

Doing something for love shows up much more than doing something because it is right or because you have to!

June 22, 2014

Psalm 43:4 Then I will go to the altar of God, to God my exceeding joy; and on the harp I will praise You, O God, my God.

When we are able to know in our hearts that Christ is willing and able to forgive us, we are able to come to God and worship Him with open hearts and with true joy!

Have you ever tried to be happy at a party when you have just had terrible news? It is very hard to set aside the sadness.

The same can be said about sin in our lives. If we are not able to set it aside we shall not be able to come to any celebration with God and praise Him as we should.

Lay aside sin and be glad in Christ!