November 17, 2013

1 Timothy 1:15 The saying is sure and worthy of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the foremost.

So many people do not like to be called sinners because it is degrading to them; after all, how could they be as bad as the person next door!

Do not get caught up in being like the Pharisee and apportion blame on someone else when we are the sinners.

Accept the fact that we are sinners and ask God for His forgiveness; that is what He is waiting for!

November 16, 2013

John 6:33 For the bread of God is He who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.

How many times do we look to the wrong place to get our spiritual support and encouragement?

We all do need support from those around us to help build up our spiritual strength, but we must never forget that this comes from Christ alone.

Christ may use the people around us to help us, but He is the source of that encouragement.

November 15, 2013

John 16:33 ‘I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.’

What an awesome thing to understand and have complete faith in; that Christ has already overcome the world so that we do not have to worry about what it can do to us!

That does not mean that you should not be scared of fire – it is still hot and will still burn you! What is being said is that no matter what the world throws at you, all it can do to you is just physical.

God is the one who holds your soul safely in His hands with a firm grip that will never let go or falter!

November 14, 2013

Matthew 10:38 Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me.


Isn’t it horrible when someone says something that cuts you down to size! God’s Word is exactly like that when you take it to heart!

Don’t ever think that God’s Word has been written down for someone else to read or to study. It has been written down for YOU!

We are not talking about picking up a huge wooden structure and carrying it round on your shoulders like a few people like to do over Easter – we are talking about the things in life that we find hard to accept as being necessary.

Don’t give up, give in to God!