Tuesday 12 Mar 2024

March 12: John 5:5-16

Key Verse: John 5:12
So they asked him, ‘Who is this fellow who told you to pick it up and walk?’

When a prayer gets answered, what do you do about it? Do you keep it a secret and not tell anyone? Do you tell your friends in the hope they will be the ones who believe you? Do you go out and tell everyone to try and convince them it is the truth?

This story is about a person who was waiting close to the pool called Bethesda. This was a gathering place where people believed they could get healed when the waters were disturbed. This was because of something which had previously happened there and they wanted to see some healing happen to them or their families. This person did not have anyone they could depend on to get them to the waters edge if and when they were disturbed.

So when the person told Jesus about his plight, Jesus had pity on them and healed them without having to get to the pool. When asked about how they were healed, they simply said a man had told them to get up and walk! The teachers of the law were bust telling this person off for picking up their bed!

When Jesus does something in your life, He may well get you to do something out of character. If you know it was Christ then you should listen and obey no matter what the people around you think. Don’t be put off saying something which sounds incredible because this may be the one thing which will convince the people around you to believe in Christ!

Points to Ponder:
Do you tell people all Christ does in your life?

Or do you hide the truth from others?