Sunday 6 Dec 2020

December 6: Luke 2:1-5
Key Verse: Luke 2:1
In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world.
So much of the world is based around money and the management of money; it is hard to avoid worrying about it and about how much you need to earn just to survive. How far we go with the need to know exactly what we have all the time and how much we have to spend may well detract your attention from the important things in life. God wants us to be good steward of everything He allows into our lives, but He certainly does not want us to make the love of money the centre of our lives!
Many governments will order a census to find out exactly where people are and how much potential there is to raise money from taxing people. This is judicious and will allow governments to plan ahead with spending and building a better place for people to live – as long as that is what they are focusing on and not just the money!
Caesar Augustus’ plan for the census was to try and locate the money but also to try and identify where this ‘self-proclaimed king’ was. He was trying to flush out what someone had prophesied so he could remain in control of his known world! Making people go back to their birth towns would allow him to control where this baby would be born and to try and control the outcome...
God wants us to rely on His Word in our lives to guide us to the best outcomes. If we look to the world and money for our outcomes, we will see nothing further than the world and money. But if we focus on God in eternity, then we shall see opened up to us the realms Jesus spoke of and the blessings He promised. Trust in God and look to Him for your future...
Points to Ponder:
How important is money to you?
Will you look to God for guidance instead?

Saturday 5 Dec 2020

December 5: Luke 10:38-42
Key Verse: Luke 10:40
But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, ‘Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!’
Many times in our lives we get caught up in the rush and end up forgetting to do the important parts; we are left feeling bad afterwards because we have missed out on something important, but we also felt we were doing the right thing by rushing round trying to do everything at the time! Sometimes, we need to take a step back and just spend time with God instead of embedding ourselves in the world!
I must admit to feeling like the last few weeks have been a bit like what is described here with Martha when I know I should be spending my time just listening to God like Mary. Understandable or not, we do need to stop and wait on God. He does have our lives in His very safe and capable hands. He wants us to be able to rest in those hands from time to time too.
The weekend is upon us, and you may well be busy trying to do all sorts of things for church, but spend some time being with God, listening to His word, breaking away from the hum-drum life and allowing the Holy Spirit to fill you once again, ready for a new week.
God continues to watch over us all the time and will take care of us if we ask. But when we start taking Him for granted and lose ourselves in the world, we lose focus on what is important and stop listening to important things He is trying to tell us each day. Our daily bread comes from God and we do need it to sustain us. Stop and be with God!
Points to Ponder:
Do you find yourself very busy?
Will you stop for a few minutes and try listening to God?

Friday 4 Dec 2020

December 4: Matthew 5:3-10
Key Verse: Matthew 5:4
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Today we say a fond farewell to my father who has fought a long battle with cancer; to us it is an “au revoir pour le moment” and not a final goodbye. We know he loved Jesus and lived his life for Christ, always caring for others.
As a child, I often though he was strict, but as an adult I look back and see how he was keeping me on track with the way God wanted us to live. He never forced God or religion on me, allowing me to make my own choices and live the life I thought was best; but always trying to show me a way of hope he knew inside.
I do pray each of you will meet someone in your life who has a hidden agenda, one which wants you to know about Jesus whilst not bashing you on the head with words which seem meaningless at the time. After living on an estate in London for a few years, I can honestly say I have learned how people need each other and need the love and support of a whole community in order to grow.
If that community has God at its centre, then that community will prosper in the long run. It may have aches and pains in the beginning as the old self is put aside and the new life in Christ is embraced, but the long-term gains of peace and love far outweigh any grumbles in the beginning.
Just like my dad looked at these words and accepted them in his heart for others, so our Father in Heaven looks to us to lift up these words to others and give them hope in this crazy world.
Points to Ponder:
Do you know someone who needs a virtual hug today?
Will you ask God how you can bless someone today?

Thursday 3 Dec 2020

December 3: Isaiah 7:13-17
Key Verse: Isaiah 7:14
Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: the virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.
I wonder how many people took notice of these prophecies from Isaiah at the time. It could not have been too many people otherwise this would not be a message which carried good and bad news. The good news being a Saviour was going to be born who would come to be amongst us. The bad news being some rough times lay ahead... and this was about 700 years before Christ was to come!
We can look back on prophecies like these and do all the wondering we can think of, but the truth is still there. The more we walk away from God and His ways, the more we invite rough times into our lives. This goes for everyone in the world and not just a few select Christians!
But, let’s not focus on the rough times – we seem to have our fair share of them all around the world now; but things are looking positive for next year! Let us, instead, focus on the promise God gave to us – a promise of a Saviour! Jesus came to fulfil that promise and to give us a new hope to look forward with and the certainty via a promise fulfilled!
When we focus our lives on Christ, we get to learn more about Him in a shorter time than just trying to live righteously. We bring Him into our lives where He can do more with us and fill our lives with the peace and joy He has also promised. These are things we can look back on and know the promises were made but and kept. God has not changed and will not change – His promises still stand firm!
Points to Ponder:
What part of Christmas are you looking forward to?
Will you make sure Christ is in Christmas this year?