Sunday 13 Sep 2020

September 13: Nehemiah 9:1-3
Key Verse: Nehemiah 9:3
They stood where they were and read from the Book of the Law of the Lord their God for a quarter of the day, and spent another quarter in confession and in worshipping the Lord their God.
I like the way Nehemiah talks about how those people who were direct descendants of the Israelites separated themselves from other people in order to complete their worshipping. This, to me, highlights how it is OK to be different in our churches. We do not all have to do exactly what the Israelites do because they were given rules and laws by God which were never given to the rest of the world.
What was given to the rest of the world was the gospel after Jesus had opened up ministry to the gentiles beyond the borders of the Jewish states. But, as a Christian from outside the Israelites, I want to know all about the Old Testament ways so I can understand God better and know just how much His love and Strength can accomplish when people allow them into their lives.
Another thing we need to take notice of is how Nehemiah shows the dedication of the Israelites. This has to be an inspiration to us all to seek God more in our own lives! They read from the scriptures for a quarter of a day, not just five minutes, not just a while... They were willing to spend time in God’s Word, reading, taking it in and understanding it.
But then comes the next step. Spending another quarter of a day in confession and in worshipping God! When we spend time in the Word, we also need to spend time in admitting we have failed to uphold everything we have read. We need to understand we do break God’s laws and for that we do need to confess things to Him. But we also need to worship Him in any ways we can... Just because we cannot all get into a church and worship together does not mean we cannot do this at all. The Israelites did this ‘where they stood’ and so can we!
Points to Ponder:
When was the last time you took time out to spend reading the bible?
When was the last time you took more time out to confess and worship?

Saturday 12 Sep 2020

September 12: Nehemiah 8:13-17
Key Verse: Nehemiah 8:16
So the people went out and brought back branches and built themselves temporary shelters on their own roofs, in their courtyards, in the courts of the house of God and in the square by the Water Gate and the one by the Gate of Ephraim.
This year has seen many things change for the whole world and one of the biggest I have missed is the large gatherings of Christians in the summer where so many come together in one place to camp in temporary shelters (tents or chalets) so people can re-focus on God.
This year during the time when we would normally gather near Peterborough in the UK for New Wine, we all had to stay at home and in very small groups... not quite the same as thousands of people getting together... But, nonetheless, we did spend that time trying to refocus on God in an entirely new way. Unfortunately, I was quite busy with work during that week, but having the whole week recorded and available to watch online at a later date helped me catch up a few weeks later...
What am I getting at? Sometimes we get too carried away with the organisation of things to stop and spend our time refocusing on God. Nehemiah got all the organisation out of the way, got the celebrations out the way, and then tried to spend some time alone with God.
Sometimes we do find the connection with God when we are in big groups, but sometimes we do have to separate ourselves from the every-day to reconnect in a meaningful way. Whatever way we find is best for us is going to be best for God since we are reconnecting with Him.
As the weekend starts, maybe this is a good time for you to stop the everyday for a while and spend time with your God away from the distractions of life...
Points to Ponder:
What are you willing to do to reconnect with your God?
Will you stop your everyday activities for a season to settle down with God?

Friday 11 Sep 2020

September 11: Nehemiah 8:10
Key Verse: Nehemiah 8:10
Nehemiah said, ‘Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.’
After all of this had happened and they had listened to God’s Word to remind themselves of where they had come from, how God had looked after them and re-focused their hearts and minds on the Saviour, Nehemiah wanted people to be able to have a celebration. He did not make a grand celebration as soon as the wall was complete, nor after they had hung the gates. He waited until people remembered why they had done this all – for the glory of God.
Now they were in the right state to celebrate, not the fact they had managed to get everything done by themselves, not how they had managed to do it in the face of adversity, but because they had been able to do this because God enabled them to do so!
When we have things going our way and we are enjoying life, we still need to remember just whom it is who has enabled this all in the first place. We need to remember what God has asked us to do. We need to remember why God has asked us to do this all...
Nehemiah’s words here are simple – go and enjoy good food and drinks... but remember those who do not have any and give some to them so they can celebrate too. As Christians, God has call us to care for our neighbours just as much as we care for ourselves – yes, I have changed the words, but isn’t that what love is all about – caring for those people.
When we realise we have done something wrong against God, it is not always easy to pick ourselves up and move forward loving our neighbours, but God will give you the strength and wisdom to do this if you are doing it for Him. God wants us to enjoy life, but not leave others without anything...
Points to Ponder:
How often do you enjoy life?
When you spend time with God, will you set time aside for others as well?

Thursday 10 Sep 2020

September 10: Nehemiah 8:2-3
Key Verse: Nehemiah 8:3
He read it aloud from daybreak till noon as he faced the square before the Water Gate in the presence of the men, women and others who could understand. And all the people listened attentively to the Book of the Law.
Nehemiah was urged to find out who was there in Jerusalem after the walls and gates had been completed. The city was on lock-down during night hours and gates were only to be opened after the sun had warmed up the day. Unlike the UK, this would probably have been quite early in the morning due to the hotter days there.
Some of the people who claimed to be descendants of the priests were excluded because their names had not been recorded in the family trees. This may sound harsh, but this was in accordance with the laws for the Jews at that time. Why was this done? Because Nehemiah was about to ask for the law to be read out and he did not want small things like this to get in the way of people listening to the law.
When we read God’s word, we should prepare ourselves to do just that. There is nothing worse than having something on your mind which will distract you even before you get to grips with what God would want you to hear. We should try to put aside the distractions of the world before we commune with God otherwise we will be fighting our minds trying to listen to two or more things at the same time.
God wants us to have a personal relationship with Him. This means putting aside things which will take us away from that relationship. The reward for making our relationships personal is a much better and deeper relationship with God. Set time aside to calm yourself and your life down a bit before you next read God’s Word – you will find you get much more out of it!
Points to Ponder:
How do you treat your personal relationships?
Will you aim to have a deeper relationship with God?