Monday 21 Sep 2020

September 21: Romans 13:1-7
Key Verse: Romans 13:6
This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing.
None of us like paying taxes, but they are necessary to keep governments running and countries stable. It is not my task to make sure the taxes are spent properly and in the right places, though I should have a say because governments represent the people of their countries; but this does not always go according to plan. So many people are corrupted by the sense of power or the greed of wanting more than they should attain...
God wants us all to adhere to the law of the land so we can all live in peace and under the protection of people who are able to protect us – they in turn need money to do the training required and to prepare for the worst. What we face is a huge fight against evil, against an enemy who wants chaos to reign so he can persuade us away from God and order!
If any country goes too far, God will raise up people who are able to make a difference which will be seen round the world and eventually there will either be enough pressure for the people in power to succumb to, or the world will rebel and set things right – though this does not always go to plan because of greed and perceived fame which cripples people trying to stand for the truth.
It’s always the right time to stop and listen to God for the right way to do things. It is always right to do what is righteous. It is always right to follow God’s instructions, even when we do not fully understand why. If we waited to have exacting proof of every future step we take, we would be crippled and move along at such a snail pace the world would leave us behind. Use your time and knowledge God has given you to the best of your ability and be faithful to your loving God!
Points to Ponder:
Do you like paying taxes and tithes?
Where would your leaders be without money to survive?

Sunday 20 Sep 2020

September 20: Luke 7:1-10
Key Verse: Luke 7:8
For I myself am a man under authority, with soldiers under me. I tell this one, “Go”, and he goes; and that one, “Come”, and he comes. I say to my servant, “Do this”, and he does it.’
If you have ever been in a place where authority rules, you will relate to this verse. When the boss person says jump, everyone jumps... It’s not a side of our relationship we normally think about or see because this sort of authority is so often linked to some sort of dictatorship; but what we should never underestimate is the authority Christ has over everything!
The centurion was used to giving orders and having people jump into action and He knew Christ had ultimate authority over life and death. His reaction was to plead with Jesus to come and heal his servant, but he did not feel like he was worthy to come and ask this personally from Jesus; so, he sent servants instead.
All this must seem alien to people who have never been in a place like the army or who have never had servants themselves. We like to think of ourselves as being equal in society – though judging by recent riots and protests, this is very far from the truth! This is certainly not the way Jesus wants us to live and will not help us to make a friend out of Jesus whilst we harbour these attitudes...
Even though we are doing so many things wrong in our lives, Jesus is still willing to listen and to come and help us when we call. He is not going to turn us away just because we have been bad in the past. What He is looking at is your heart right now and what it is you desire in your heart. Forget about the worldly wants and try to focus on the love Christ wants us to share with our community...
Points to Ponder:
Who is in charge of your life?
Will you submit to Jesus’ call and obey His will?

Saturday 19 Sep 2020

September 19: Luke 9:57-62
Key Verse: Luke 9:59
He said to another man, ‘Follow me.’ But he replied, ‘Lord, first let me go and bury my father.’
This has been a hard passage to read for me since I said goodbye to my birth mother some years back, but one I did not take much notice of as a youngster. When Jesus asks you to do something or to follow Him, what would you be willing to give up so you can follow His will?
Yes, this is an unfair question, but one designed to stop and make you think. I certainly do not wish to be in the position where I should have to choose between loving my family and loving God. I do not think Jesus would tempt you to make such a difficult choice in life; but if push came to shove, would you be willing to make a choice to follow Christ, or would you back down.
I’m pretty sure Jesus knew this person’s heart before He asked the question and knew they would not follow Him all the time, despite saying so. Jesus has told us He will never ask us to do things He knows we cannot do; this sort of question would be in that category for me!
When we choose to follow Christ, we should be willing to give up the luxuries we have in our life and follow Him no matter the cost. I know I have made difficult choices in my past which have led to what could only be a dead-end; but I have seen God give me options where I saw no options just because I was willing to try and obey Him rather than follow my desires.
Points to Ponder:
When you say you will support someone, how far do you go?
Will you support God all the way?

Friday 18 Sep 2020

September 18: Romans 11:33-36
Key Verse: Romans 11:35
Who has ever given to God, that God should repay them?
One of the things we must never get caught up in is thinking we have to do things for God before He is going to do things for us! Jesus came freely to give His life for us before we knew Him. He came to show us His love goes far beyond our comprehension and far beyond what we would expect as anything normal!
God’s mercy goes beyond our failings. God’s faithfulness knows no end. God’s love covers every sin. All we need to do is to accept His love, His grace, His mercy and know His faithfulness is going to continue despite our failings and despite our laziness. We don’t know what He has in store for us until we stop and listen to His instructions. We cannot hope to tell God how things should be done because we do not know all circumstances like God does!
If you are like me and honest about how you know and treat God, He will show you where, when and how He wants you to be. Jesus picked disciples from all walks in life, not because they were available at the time, but because He knew who the best people were to do the jobs in hand. God knows what our strengths and weaknesses are and will continue to give us opportunity to do what we can for His glory.
God is not going to ask you to do anything you are not capable of doing – even if your doubts tell you otherwise. Believe in the almighty power and strength of our glorious God who can do so much more than we know. Trust He has the insight to do so much more. Listen to His instructions and obey...
Points to Ponder:
Do you try to show God how to do things?
Will you give Him more control in your life?