Monday 17 Feb 2020

February 17: Psalm 119:113-120

Key Verse: Psalm 119:115
Away from me, you evildoers, that I may keep the commands of my God!

What takes your praise out of your breath? I know it is easy to forget to praise God, especially when things are going wrong in your life or even when things are going right! We tend to leave out the praising part because our minds are set on the things of the world around us rather than the things of God – like they should be!

None of us like people who constantly tell lies or who constantly spread gossip about others – yet we allow those things to consume our thoughts and take away our concentration of the very things we should be focusing on. We would rather get involved with what is going on around us than in lifting up what needs to be lifted up and praising those who deserve the praise!

When we start to feel overwhelmed by the things of the earth, we need to pray for strength to rise above those things so we can continue to focus on what God has in front of us. We need to focus on God’s law so we can allow others to see how important God is in our lives and not the world…

Remember that the things we feel are important in our lives will tend to get the most focus and attention from us. If we do not admit how important God is in our lives, we will tend to uphold the things of the world around us more than God! We need to remember just how much God has already done for us and to know He has promised so much more for us if we are willing to continue our communion with Him. When we focus on God and His ways, the ways and distraction of the world become just that – minor distractions we can move away from!

Points to Ponder:
What has the focus in your life?

Will you allow God to get more attention than your have given Him lately?

Sunday 16 Feb 2020

February 16: Job 31:16-23

Key Verse: Job 31:23
For I dreaded destruction from God, and for fear of his splendour I could not do such things.

This puts a whole new spin on the duty we have toward those who are less fortunate than us! Job was not under any illusion he was above anyone or deserved anything more than any other person under God’s eyes! Indeed he was fearful the God’s destruction should he have fallen short in any one of these ways toward the poor and needy… so how do we measure up to Job?

I think the most amazing thing which drilled it home for me was walking into town with a very dear friend of mine. After walking past a person sitting down, wrapped up in blankets and clearly worse off than us, he went directly to a good sandwich shop where he purchased a hearty sandwich and a drink. I was hungry so also bought something to eat… but what he did next floored me! He went back to the poor man on the streets and gave him his sandwich and drink, wishing him well and blessing him.

There I was, thinking on myself, my own needs above those of a person who clearly needed it more than me – but my first thought was not for this poor individual, but for myself. It still makes me stop and do things for people who need our help!

God knew Job was an upright man and He knew Job cared for the people and not just himself; yet Satan was willing to try and break Job’s resolve by taking every blessing he had away from him and making him the poor soul who needed the support now. Yet, despite all Job went through, he did not blame God for anything which happened. One of his friends had suggested this all happened because he had ignored the poor and needy – Job knew otherwise and continued to praise God and not to blame Him.

What happens to us when things go wrong – do we turn round and blame God, or do we look for the next way we can bless those around us instead?

Points to Ponder:
How often do you bless those who need your help?

How often do you ignore those who really need your help?

Saturday 15 Feb 2020

February 15: Matthew 14:13-21

Key Verse: Matthew 14:15
As evening approached, the disciples came to him and said, “This is a remote place, and it’s already getting late. Send the crowds away, so they can go to the villages and buy themselves some food.”

Jesus was no stranger to crowds! Everywhere He went, people would gather round and follow Him hoping to be blessed or healed in some manner. People were surrounding Him with their faith – in their belief that He was willing and able to change their lives; so much so they would not always plan their days accordingly.

If we are going to spend the day out then we make plans for getting food for our lunch time, either by making sure there is somewhere we can have a meal or by taking enough food with us in the form of a picnic or sandwiches. But when we get caught up in the moment, we do not always make sure those plans are set in place and that is what was happening here. The people were more interested in following Jesus and in receiving a blessing than in planning how they were going to eat and drink during their day out!

Even though Jesus made a point of taking a boat to stop too many people following Him, they continued to come out of the towns and walk to where He was. The more the sick and poor came to see Him, the more compassion He showed and the more people He healed. The more Jesus did to heal the sick, the more people seemed to gather around Him. Late in the afternoon, the disciples were getting concerned people would not be able to get food and drink because the crowds were so big. It was at this stage they asked Jesus to send people away so they would be able to have time to go and get food… but Jesus had other plans!

The fact there was not enough food in the crowd for even a small portion of the crowd was not an issue for Him. He knew His Father in heaven would answer prayers and would supply enough for everyone to eat and drink. Jesus didn’t just start handing out food, He stopped and took what was available and used it as an offering to God before asking God to bless the people. He then stepped forward in faith and took what they had and instructed the disciples to hand out food to everyone – as much as they needed! God answered their faith!

Points to Ponder:
Do you impose limits on God in your daily life?

Are you ready to depend on your faith?

Friday 14 Feb 2020

February 14: Matthew 8:14-17

Key Verse: Matthew 8:17
This was to fulfil what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah: “He took up our infirmities and bore our diseases.”

Name some of the ways in which you have shown someone you care about them. If you are like me, you could probably name more times when you have done something wrong and upset people rather than done something right for them… But lets not dwell on the things we have done wrong but try and focus on things we have done or can do right.

We often make jokes about mother-in-laws in this country, but Jesus did the opposite and showed love toward Peter’s mother-in-law as well as to Peter by healing her with a simple touch. Nothing is too much or too hard for God to do – we often look at a fever as being a long time in bed and full rest to try and recuperate. Jesus touched her hand and the fever left her just like that! She responded by getting up and waiting on Jesus, returning some love.

But it was not about Jesus getting her well just so she could get the dinner ready! This was about making a difference in people’s lives. He continued on to heal many who were demon-possessed, driving out the spirits and healing the sick as well. Jesus wanted people to know God loved them and wanted them to be fit and well; something we often forget about in our lives because we take so much for granted without even thinking things through.

Jesus was not only fulfilling what the prophet Isaiah had said so many years ago, but was showing the people then how God can be depended upon. God has made many promises through the prophets and through Jesus – we need to know we can depend on those promises no matter what. Imagine having someone in your life who loved you that much and was willing to do anything for you – show someone you care today!

Points to Ponder:
How do you show people you care?

Who are you going to care for today?