Saturday 7 Oct 2023

October 7: Luke 10:17-24

Key Verse: Luke 10:20
However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.

When Jesus sent out the 72 people to go ahead of Him into all the towns before He got there He probably did so for a few reasons. I like to think the primary reason was to show people they could do amazing things in the name of Christ when they chose to listen to Him and obey Him. The same still stands today and will continue to stand for as long as the earth remains.

But the warning He gave them when they returned to Him was one which many people fall into nowadays. Jesus warned them about being proud they could get spirits to submit to them. Instead He told them to rejoice they knew they had a special place in Heaven because they were listening to Him and obeying Him.

When the person shouts out about what they have been able to do, they are lifting themselves and not God any more. God has given us the choice as to what we do, but when we turn our back on worshipping Him and giving Him the glory, we are treading into areas we probably don’t want to be in. When we promote ourselves we may well find we are left to fend for ourselves and fall short of many things!

Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit after hearing the good news and immediately praised God for allowing this all to happen. He especially praised God ordinary people could do such marvellous works when learned leaders who lifted themselves up were not able to do such works.

Points to Ponder:
Do you trust God to use you?

Will you keep praising God when He does great things through you?

Friday 6 Oct 2023

October 6: John 9:20-24

Key Verse: John 9:23
That was why his parents said, ‘He is of age; ask him.’

One of the things I strive to do is to recognise Christians who disagree with institutional ‘churches.’ Jesus tried to teach us believing in Him is what is required and yet some institution which call themselves ‘churches’ will do what they can to force people to do things because they say that is what God requires. Jesus taught the disciples well and they went out to teach others the truth; and yet some people will just not accept the truth.

There may be many reasons why they do not want to accept the truth and I am not qualified to say why they don’t accept the truth. The only thing we can do is to continue learning from the Holy Spirit as we read the scriptures and draw closer to God through the truth and through faith in Him.

I have met people who’s faith has astounded me and yet they continue to support their local church even if the local church has issues with some of the scriptures. These people stand firm on the Word of God and continue to try and show the people around them a love which comes from Christ through them.

If we can continue to show people the truth in the scriptures without alienating our local churches, we would see a revival which would come from deep within people instead of being seen as the latest fad or something which would help promote themselves.

Points to Ponder:
Do you look for what you can get out of a local church?

Or do you look for what you can do in a local church?

Thursday 5 Oct 2023

October 5: Nehemiah 8:7-12

Key Verse: Nehemiah 8:10
Nehemiah said, ‘Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.’

Nehemiah was led by the Lord to go back and rebuild the walls of Jerusalem but before he could do that he had to get permission from Artaxerxes and gather all the right equipment; a bit of a logistical nightmare! But God had declared it so things fell into place… but not the local people. No matter how well things go and how much we know God is sending us there will always be someone who objects because they don’t get recognition!

After a long time of opposition and delays, the project was finally complete. The exiled people returned and the Levites set about teaching the Law, the Scriptures, once again. Nehemiah had made sure nobody was left out, the poor were helped and all the people got to hear the law after the building work was done; because now was the time to rebuild the spiritual wall for the people.

After hearing the law retold, the people were somewhat afraid and many were crying knowing what they had done wrong and beginning to see why everything had happened over the last few years. But Nehemiah did not berate the people. He stood firm with the law and told the people to look forward to what would come because they had collectively set things right once again.

Guiding the people to celebrate their victory he made sure nobody was left out, the poor would get the support they needed and everyone would rejoice because God had made all this possible!

Points to Ponder:
How often do you stop doing things because of opposition?

How often do you really rely on God?

Wednesday 4 Oct 2023

October 4: Luke 9:57-62

Key Verse: Luke 9:62
Jesus replied, ‘No one who puts a hand to the plough and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.’

During Jesus’ ministry on earth, I wonder how many people said they would follow Jesus and ended up being caught up in life instead of doing the will of God? Luke records a few of the types of people who would say they would follow Jesus but ended up focusing on their earthly problems instead of following what they had just said to Jesus.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I have my own earthly issues and problems which I have to deal with all the time, and I know I have not always said yes to Jesus. So when I read verses like this it reminds me of my own shortcomings and makes me want to try harder to please God. The way I try to look at things nowadays is to ask God for guidance when my earthly issues are getting in the way. One way or another His answer gets through to me!

We get side-tracked with things happening around us and especially in our families. God does not want us to turn our backs on our families, but He also does not want us to turn our backs on Him. Inviting Him to join us in our earthly journey gives us the chance to do both!

Our journey with Christ is not going to be straight forward and not going to be easy all the time; but living with Christ in the centre of your life allows you to face more with His strength and to find answers to life’s issues faster. When I look back and see what I have been through, the hurdles I have faced and the things which God has done for me, I know He is not finished with me yet!

Points to Ponder:
Do you make excuses before following Christ?

Will you ask Him to be with you in your problems?