Saturday 5 Nov 2022

November 5: Luke 16:9-15

Key Verse: Luke 16:10
Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.

How do you work out who to trust? Is it not by trusting a little first to see if the other person can be trusted first of all? We like to be able to trust people because it gives us confidence as well as giving them some confidence too. Jesus tried to tell the disciples how they could become more trustworthy and the answer was quite simple – start out by allowing people to trust in you a little and after a while of them being able to trust you, their trust will grow… as long as you continue to be trustworthy!

Jesus made sure He always told the truth to everyone so they would know they could always trust Him. He continues to make sure we know the truth and are able to trust in Him because He has always given us the truth – whether we want to listen to the truth is our choice!

If you want to be trusted by others you should also entrust them – make sure you do trust them and show them you do trust them. If people do feel like they are trusted by you, they are more likely to trust in you; it goes both ways!

Jesus gives us the choice. He trusts us to keep our word to Him and to others. He knows we will not be able to do this all the time, but He still trusts us! There is the start of where we should be headed if we want others to trust us. Start by trusting them too.

Points to Ponder:
Are you very trusting?

Are you trustworthy too?

Friday 4 Nov 2022

November 4: Philippians 3:17-21

Key Verse: Philippians 3:19
Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is set on earthly things.

How many things have tempted you this week? How many things have you given in to, however small and insignificant they seem in the big picture of life? How many times have you been jealous or envious of someone else and their life choices? How many times have you thought it would be nice to have juts a little bit of what they have?

These are the type of thoughts which probably go through our heads most weeks; not necessarily the things we give in to or do, but thoughts we have in our lives. Each one of those thoughts poses a potential point of failure in our lives, or a point where we give in to temptation and have a little fun.

Is it little wonder then the apostle is telling the people of Philippi they need to focus on the Godly people and the righteous people instead of the people of this world. The more we look at things of the world, the more we open ourselves up to temptation and the things of this world. This does not mean we turn our backs on the world or ignore the people who live in worldly ways. How are they ever going to hear about God unless we open up the gospel to them in some way.

God wants us to be safe and secure, but He also wants us to step forward and share the truth with people. We can do both at the same time. We can be safe in His grip as well as stepping out and sharing the gospel with people who know nothing of the truth yet. Be the difference!

Points to Ponder:
Do you give in to temptations too easily?

Have you tried depending more on God?

Thursday 3 Nov 2022

November 3: Matthew 3:1-10

Key Verse: Matthew 3:6
Confessing their sins, they were baptised by him in the River Jordan.

The more I think about what John the Baptist was like, the more I get confused about him… I live in a world where I have clothes, shoes, a warm flat to live in… and yet John chose to live out in the desert next to the river so he would not be distracted by things in the cities… probably! You see, we don’t get to know the real reasons why John chose to live where he did other than he listened to God and obeyed Him!

What would your life be like if you stopped obeying the world and started obeying God? Mine would be a bit different to what it is now. Each time I have got close to the path God wants me to take, things go wrong with friends, family or my health. Each time I get a bit older and a bit more tired of fighting – but each time my resolve is stronger and I learn new ways of coping with life.

John must have learned how to live for God and how to share the gospel message. He learned how he could reach out to people and get them to turn away from the sin in their lives and when that happened he did not shy away from baptising people. There is nothing like a good baptism to show people the meaning of turning away from the old life and stepping into a new life with Christ.

Just how far we are willing to go will depend on our inner resolve and our willingness to listen to God’s instructions. Some of us will only just be able to do one thing for God whilst others will be able to live their lives very close to how God wants them to live. Each one of us has to make a choice to invite Christ into our lives so we can learn more from Him and care less about the world. It is a very different life!

Points to Ponder:
How hard do you hold on to the world?

Are you willing to let go of one more thing for Christ?

Wednesday 2 Nov 2022

November 2: Luke 14:25-33

Key Verse: Luke 14:33
In the same way, those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples.

I wonder what the reaction from the crowd was when they heard Jesus saying these things! There are some who will tell you all about the love Jesus has for you and how much He is willing to forgive you and all the good things, but they will leave out the parts where Jesus asks things of you; because that would seem like hard work!

Jesus knew what He was letting Himself into when He stepped forward to take our position on the cross. He did not do it for nothing! He does not require we do things right before He will forgive us or love us… but what is going to happen when He asks you for something? Are you going to pretend you did not hear Him, or turn around and look the other way?

We may say we will not, but if we are honest we will admit we will turn round at some stage in our lives especially when the going gets tough and we can’t stand the work or what Jesus is asking of us. He knows this already and that is why He went to the cross first! But in order to get the best out of any situation, He is going to ask something of you and if you are not willing to drop whatever circumstance you have in your life and say yes, then He will have to ask someone else!

Jesus asked Peter three times if he loved Him more than the people around him. And each time Peter answered that he did love Christ; but when push came to shove and he was cornered, Peter denied Him three times! Jesus knows we are weak and we will fail, but he is going to ask us anyway because once we figure out we are weak, we will depend on Him more and make a better go at living for Christ!

Points to Ponder:
Have you denied Jesus yet?

Is it time for you to admit you are weak and ask Jesus for help?