Monday 11 Jan 2021

January 11: Mark 1:9-13
Key Verse: Mark 1:12
At once the Spirit sent him out into the wilderness,
What is the first thing which comes into your mind when you think about the baptism of Jesus? Is it the fact He came to John in human form and asked to be baptised just as everyone else was being baptised? Was it the fact the Spirit descended on Him like a dove from Heaven?
These are points which we need to remember and be thankful for, points which are very important and upon which many sermons have been preached – but I want to focus on what happens next... Have you been baptised? Can you remember it? I love the way baptisms are done in a small community church called church at five, based in East Finchley in London; or at least how they were done before COVID-19 set in!
The person being baptised is fully immersed in the pool and then the whole congregation gathers around the pool and prophesies over them. Yes, the whole congregation! Each one of us can listen to the spirit and tell others what the spirit it telling them! In Jesus’ case the spirit of God spoke out from Heaven... but it was not Jesus’ task to sit and soak up the spirit...
Instead, the spirit led Him out into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan! What would you have thought if your first task as a new Christian was to go out into the hardest, toughest and wildest place you can imagine and to be provoked as far as you could by a horrible person! Jesus needed to demonstrate to us we have the power to ignore evil when we have God on our side. God gives us the strength required through the Holy Spirit!
Points to Ponder:
How much do you rely on the Holy Spirit?
Will you step forward and expect the Holy Spirit to hold on tight today?

Sunday 10 Jan 2021

January 10: Genesis 1:1-5
Key Verse: Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
I can remember some of those amazing days back in the late 60’s when the astronauts went to the moon; not much detail, but I can remember standing outside in the dark waiting for the sputnik to fly over and all the hype about people getting to the moon! It is only now I appreciate how extraordinary the task was for the technology we had back then.
Why then were these words chosen for Anders, Lovell and Borman to read to the world as they went round the moon? Apparently it was suggested by the wife of a certain official at the time because the USA was still involved with the Vietnam war and quoting peace on earth or a Christmas message was not deemed appropriate...
But I still love the fact they chose words from the bible to speak to the world as they came out of the shadow of the moon and were able to speak to earth once again. The sight of the earth rising over the horizon of the moon is remarkable (I say that because I can review photographs of the sight and not because I was there!)
God has given us so much and we continue to try and better ourselves; but on many occasions we step on other people’s toes or we upset others through what we do. We cannot please everyone all of the time because we all have our own views and we change... but we can aim to try and please God all of the time because we know He does not change!
Points to Ponder:
Who do you try to please in your life?
Will you aim to please God today?

Saturday 9 Jan 2021

January 9: Ephesians 6:1-9
Key Verse: Ephesians 6:4
Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.
Sometimes I read through a section of scripture and wonder what has impressed the writer to write such things – like these words trying to encourage peaceful living with all manner of people. And then you read the latest news and wonder what people are even thinking about to make them so violent against fellow countrymen!
Let’s face it, we, humans, are a right bunch who can be incited to do some pretty horrible things against other human beings – and it goes through all communities and societies. None of us are immune to these things, but we do have ready help to guide us in our lives. Words like these written down by the apostles to encourage us to do what is righteous for all people and not just those we choose!
God wants us to live with everyone as one people – all with access to God’s Word and to His way of life for us all. That means encouraging each other to have free access to His Word and to share it and it’s ideals with the people around us all the time and not just when we choose!
It is easy to think about doing the right thing but stopping and analysing what you do and adjusting your ways to be more in line with Christ’s ways does take courage and strength! God wants to give us the strength and will-power to do what is right; we need to listen to Him in order to do that! Stop and think about why you do the things you do – then try and think about what Jesus would try to do if He were in your shoes...
Points to Ponder:
Do you call yourself a Christian?
Do you do what Jesus would do?

Friday 8 Jan 2021

January 8: Luke 2:41-50
Key Verse: Luke 2:44
Thinking he was in their company, they travelled on for a day. Then they began looking for him among their relatives and friends.
You may read these verses and wonder how Jesus’ parents could be so lax about looking after their child, but you need to take into account the way these people lived back then and how communities were very safe places! It is little wonder there are multiple places in the bible which talk about the safety of being in a community, city or group of people which has God looking after them.
We are very different in our societies nowadays with child abuse and all manner of evil things being commonplace; it was not like this back then! God continued to encourage the Israelites to be one community, one people, who trusted each other and continually looked out for each other. I can remember being back in Zimbabwe when I was a youngster and it was common for us children to be around other people’s houses without being worried about anything – we knew our community was safe!
When Joseph and Mary finally realised their son was not with them in the caravan (not a house on wheels, but a group of travelling people) they turned round and went back to find him. I can imagine the panic because it is not nice to not know where your children are!
But Jesus knew He was safe because He was going about His Father’s will. But, as a young child, He did not realise the worry and stress He was putting on His earthly parents – had He known, I’m sure He would have acted differently. Jesus compassion for everyone, and not just physical family, is shown in bucket loads here – something we need to try and emulate in our lives!
Points to Ponder:
Do you think you care for others?
Who do you choose when God asks you to do something for Him?