March 21, 2014

Jonah 2:9 But I, with shouts of grateful praise, will sacrifice to you. What I have vowed I will make good. I will say, “Salvation comes from the Lord.”

Have you ever thought of your praise to God as being a sacrifice that you are willing to make?

I know it seems a strange thought at first, but are you really willing to drop your worldly things and just give God the glory; and not just when you want to but right now!

It should not be up to us to choose the right moment to lift praise to God. It should not be something we only do in church. Change your song today and lift it to God, all day.

It is Christ who has done everything for us. He alone deserves praise, always.

March 20, 2014

Jonah 2:8 “Those who regard worthless idols forsake their own Mercy.

When Jonah found himself alive and inside the belly of the fish I’m pretty sure that he knew that God was not messing around anymore! Is it going to take something like that for us to make a move?

God continues to try to work with us and we continue to make excuses and follow vain things in our lives; God wants us to focus on His will.

Jonah had no problem understanding now that following his own ways was worthless and vain; the result of which was to disregard what God could do in his life!

Allow God to work in your life. Listen!

March 19, 2014

Habakkuk 2:18 “What profit is the image, that its maker should carve it, the moulded image, a teacher of lies, that the maker of its mould should trust in it, to make mute idols?

Buying in to something that someone else is proclaiming to be god is just as bad as making something up yourself; only that you are trusting in someone else’s lie instead of your own.

Making an idol is a lie. You cannot make gods. Believing someone else can make gods is just as bad.

But we all do lift up many things in our lives all the time! We lift up people, we lift up man made things, we lift up ideas… and we look to them instead of looking to God at times… which makes them idols!

March 18, 2014

Isaiah 41:29 Indeed they are all worthless; their works are nothing; their moulded images are wind and confusion.

The person who claims deity in an idol is looked at as being worthless; as is their idol that has been crafted by man’s hands. It is vain to think we can create a god!

The stuff that people do for their gods and the stuff they claim is of their gods all concludes in nothing in the end because it is nothing.

Idols and false gods just bring confusion to our own minds and nothing else. Leave them behind and aim for God alone!

Following idols is as easy as following gusts of wind, and about as useful as well…